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naciągamy, przesadny, mało prawdopodobny
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far-fetched/exaggerated/ unlikely
Her story about beeing chased away by wolves seems preety far-fetched.
niewiarygodna historia
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tall story/ tall tale
I heard some pretty tall stories, especially after those guys started drinking the beer.
ułatwienie/ przewaga na starcie
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head start
Instead of listening to tall stories, give your child the best head start in the global worlde.
rozwiać, zdementować mity/plotki/błędne przekonania
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dispel the myth/ the rumours/ misconception
nabywanie (wiedzy, umiejętności)/ nabytek, zakup
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Language acquisition is the basis of logical thinking and contextual understanding.
błędne przekonanie
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It's a fallacy that a child will not be able to differentiate between two languages.
różnicować / rozróżniać
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He's unable to differentiate between self-confidence and arrogance.
niepokój/ konsternacja
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I note with dismay that his election may be harmful to our country. /The public mood in Britain is one of growing dismay.
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I hope that my fears will prove to be unfounded.
znikać/ gasnąć/ rozmywać się/ gasnąć (o umierającej osobie)
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fade away/ fade
The images started to fade away and everything around me turned black.
kamień milowy/osiągnąć kamienie milowe
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milestone/ reach the milestones
The September elections are widely seen as a milestone for the future of the country.
utrudniać/ powstrzymać
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hinder (development)
make it difficult for something to happen
Constant criticism may hinder employee development.
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scarcity of competency/ The scarcity of skilled workers worries the government.
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solely responsible
ostatecznie/ finalnie/ koniec końców
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ultimately/ eventually
I think ultimately you can manage the whole area.
zlekceważyć/ zignorować
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We must not be indifferent to such disregard for human life.
obojętny (niezainteresowany czymś)/ marny (restauracja, jedzenie, pieniądze)
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The look on her face was indifferent./ He gave an indifferent shrug.
dożywotni/ dozgonny - przyjaźń na całe życie/życiowe marzenie/cel
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lifelong friendship/ dream/ persuit
podważać (autorytet, zaufanie)
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He was punished because he undermined his teacher's authority.
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a rush, a great hurry
niezależnie od, jednakże
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Notwithstanding the low price, I wouldn't buy it.
dotkliwie, nieznośnie
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starać się/próbować/ próba/ staranie
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In spite of my best endeavours, I couldn't contact her.
przemożny wpływ/gruntowna wiedza/głęboki sen
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profound influence/ knowledge/ sleep
niepewny siebie/ niepewna przyszłość / kariera
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Maybe if you'd put in some effort you wouldn't be so insecure.
wzmacniać/ popierać/ umacniać
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The parting reinforced our love.
rozstanie/ pożegnanie
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Our parting has been grim.
obowiązek (nieprzyjemny)
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I have some chores to do around the house.
poczuć potrzebę zrobienia czegoś
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feel the urge
This also helps to explain to why people so often feel the urge to dance when listening to music.
dla własnego dobra/ dla samego siebie
Nic nie wydawało się ważniejsze niż wiedza sama w sobie./ Sztuka dla sztuki.
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for it's own sake/ for your own interest
Nothing had seemed more important than knowledge for its own sake./ Art for art's sake.
długotrwały, nieprzemijający
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enduring (game, memory)
załatwiać sprawy
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run/ do an errand/ run a few errands
przyjąć (ofertę, możliwość)
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embrace the possibility/ the offer/ an ascept of sth./ every opportunity
wyruszać/ rozpoczynać, uruchamiać
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set off
start your yourney
We will set off at noon./ This event set off a crisis.
jednać/ godzić (np. dwie kwestie), pogodzić się (z czymś)
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reconcile/ r. the idea
It's hard to reconcile myself with the loss of my friend./ We managed to reconcile our views./ I still try to reconcile my allergy with having a dog.
umiejętność/ znajomość (czegoś)
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command (strong c.)
His command of English is extraordinary.
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take advantage of something (the opportunity, the information)
zbędny/ niepotrzebny
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New technology often makes old skills redundant.
przewidywać/ oczekiwać z niecierpliwością
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I anticipate the worst./ a. Christmas
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commitment = dedication
The mother's commitment saved the life of her baby./ I can't just leave, I've got commitments.
na życzenie/ na zawołanie
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at will
You can do British or American accents at will.
wyrafinowany/ wytworny
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British accent is more refined.
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The signs of our vulnerability have always been there.
wrażliwy/ bezbronny/ czuły
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She is a very vulnerable girl.
przedwczesny (śmierć)/ przedterminowy (poród)
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premature death at the age of 57/ the baby is premature
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rewarding (job, experience)
I find my job rewarding.
mający znacznie/znacząca różnica
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meaningful (life)/ meaningful difference
pozostać przy temacie
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stay on track
There's no time for this, let's stay on track.
zmagać się z czymś/ borykać/ mocować
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grapple with something
zakłopotany/ zmieszany/ kłopotliwe pytania
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perplexed/ perplexing questions
od tamtej pory/ odkąd
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ever since
I can't stop thinking about you ever since./ He has been depressed ever since he got divorced.
odrzucać/ odmawiać/ nie zgodzić się
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"Will you give us the password?" "I'm afraid I have to refuse."/ District office refused my application.
przypuszczenie/ założenie
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You hurt his feelings with your mistaken assumptions./ It was only a foolish assumption.
bliski sercu
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near and dear to me
Dogs have always been near and dear to me.
dźgnąć (w brzuch/serce)/ zranić (o słowach)
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stab (in the stomach/ heart)
He wasn't expecting a stab in the stomach./ His words really stabbed her.
stosunek/ proporcja
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The ratio of teachers to students is about 1 to 20.
sedno sprawy/ sęk w tym że .../ ogólny rozrachunek
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the bottom line
The bottom line is that we must and will protect the children./ They wanted me to skip the overview of the experiment and get to the bottom line.
dziwny/ nieparzysty
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He's odd, I don't know why you are friends with him./ I have an odd number of shoes and I don't know why.
być zwolennikiem czegoś
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to be proponent of sth. (of this argument)
dziwaczny/ cudaczny
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bizarre (experience)
The story had a bizarre ending.
pewność/ pewność siebie
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very little confidence
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tied up
We are very tied up in the idea that language and culture are so linked.
szkodliwy/ krzywdzący
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His play was detrimental to their team at that particular time.
pozbawiony czegoś
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devoid of sth
The book was boring and devoid of humor.
starać się coś zrobić
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make an effort to do sth.
przestarzały/ nieaktualny
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It's an outdated technology.
powszechny/ rozpowszechniony
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The widespread fear is that illegal immigration will increase considerably.
nudno/bezsensownie/ banalnie (rozmowa)
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vapid/ vapidly (face, smile)
nieciekawy, nudny, nijaki (kolor), pochmurny (pogoda)
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dull = boring, uninteresting
His life had been dull and lonely before he met her.
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I don't like houses with flat roofs.
powszechnie używane/znane/czytane/szanowane
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widely used/ known/ read/ respected
niezbędny, podstawowy
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Milk is the essential ingredient of that cocktail.
zasadniczo, w gruncie rzeczy
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essentially = basically
Well, essentially I can let you go, but you have to be home early.
zagłębiać się w coś/ analizować
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delve into sth
I'm not going to delve into every word of his.
wrodzony (optymizm), nieodłączny
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inherent (optimizm)
Violence certainly is inherent in many of the games we play.
pogoń za szczęściem
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pursuit of happiness/ wealth
przeceniać/ wyolbrzymiać/ zawyżać
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overestimate/ exaggerate/ overstate
The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overestated.
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What a tacky ending that would be.
zwięzły, treściwy
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concise = brief
It was a very brief meeting.
zastąpić (ideę, metodę, produkt)
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This was superseded by a private company in December 1983.
poparcie/ aprobata
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They both write in an accessibly eclectic style, often with wry humor.
nieuchwytny/ niematerialny
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intangible (ideologies, examples)
America and Americans are different in an intangible way from the rest of the world.
z biegiem czasu
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over time
You will forget about her over time.
wywrotowy (pomysł)/ wywrotowiec
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subversive (idea)
It is my conviction that this idea, although subversive, is what is needed here.
krytyk/ krytykant
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Despite what your detractors say, you've made, and will continue to make a difference.
odwracać (uwagę)
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detract from sth.
He tried to detract my attention from work.
kapryśny (świat, los)
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fickle (world, fortune)
wewnętrznie/ z natury
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intrinsically (bad, good)
więź z rodziną
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bond to family
They were grateful that the bonds in the family were so tight.
wnosić (swój wkład), przyczynić się
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contribute // contributing to bad feeling
The students contributed their own time to the project.
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paramount (goal)
Your security and peace of mind are paramount to us.
sporadyczny/ nieregularny
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Especially as her job is intermittent and can be performed from home.
na wstępie
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at the outset
Please allow me to say a few words at the outset.
uznany za coś
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sth. has been deemed as the golden source in terms of sth.
rozpieszczać/ dogadzać
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At the moment, he considered nothing more important than pampering her feelings.
rozdzierający serce
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sprawić, że się zarumienię
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make me blush
niezrównany/ nie mający sobie równych
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But student life is still an unparalleled educational and social experience.
zaległy/ opóźniony/ przeterminowany
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He forgot to return an overdue book from the library.
zardzewiały, zaniedbany, bez wprawy
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This is true, and even with experience we were a bit rusty.
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He was very spoiled by his mother, and is a disobedient child.
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He's such a spoiled child!
konkurować z kimś
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be in competition with sb.
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She is so vain that only her appearance matters to her.
popełnić samobójstwo/przestępstwo
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commit suicide/ a crime
The famous singer committed suicide.
niezrównany, bezkonkurencyjny
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He was an unmatched husband, father and friend who cannot be replaced.
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They were a mismatched couple who lived most of their married life apart from each other.
prowokować do refleksji/nawrócenia
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provoke to reflection/ conversion
kpiący, szyderczy
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There was a little mocking quality to his voice.
do pewnego stopnia = do pewnego stopnia
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to some extent = to some degree
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The number of students increases significantly from year to year.
różnić się/ urozmaicać/ zmieniać
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These lipsticks vary in shade and price./ You have to vary your diet, you can't eat chicken every day.
stosunkowo (prosty, tani)
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relatively (simple, cheap)
od zera/ od początku
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from scratch
być na dobrej drodze
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be on the right track
być starszym niż czas
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be older than time
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We have to gradually introduce the changes.
wprowadzić zmiany
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introduce the changes
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He turned back reluctantly, trying not to look at either of them.
znaczny/ niemały
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They have made considerable progress recently.
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a minority
The gay minority demands equal rights.
rzucić cień na coś
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cast a shadow over/on sth.
The allegations cast a shadow over his reputation.
oburzenie/ zniewaga
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The court's decision resulted in moral outrage.
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He could not remember ever in his life feeling so outraged.
znieść zakaz
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lift the ban
potępiać/ skazywać
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He was condemned to death for killing four people.
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The son was soon in tears, the father berating him.
osoba która uzyskuje to o co walczy
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misleading/ mislead
The advertisement was misleading to the customers.
zgodnie z kierunkiem wskazówek zegara
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przeciwnie do kierunku wskazówek zegara
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Move this thing counterclockwise.
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zakładać, tworzyć, organizować
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set sth. up
set a company up/ set a meeting up
wściekłość/ wściekać się
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Stop raging! Calm down!/ She shook with rage just thinking about it.
relaksować się
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Let's unwind after a long day.
znienawidzona rzecz
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pet peeve
What's your biggest pet peeve? Rudeness.
gburowatość/ niegrzeczność
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wychowanie (opieka nad dzieckiem)
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I wouldn't call this a proper upbringing.
znakomity, wyborny, kunsztowny
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The most exquisite game two people had ever played together.
wąż (termin literacki)
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Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it.
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He got promoted to a manager and got a rise.
nieskazitelny, nieskazitelnie czysty, znakomity
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Today, their work nearly done, the house is almost immaculate.
rozwijać się/ toczyć się (o fabule)
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The plot unfolds too slow in this book./ The action of the movie unfolds in Madrid.
słusznie/ rozsądnie
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We won an Oscar, reasonably.
zabobon/ przesąd
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They want to take us back to the dark days of ignorance and superstition.
graniczyć z czymś/ graniczyć z absurdem
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border on sth
Russia borders on China./ She borders on absurd. I can't listen to her.
kazać komuś coś zrobić
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tell sb to do sth
People don't like beeing told what to do./ Tell your daughter to do the homework.
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How flattering the press can be when they want something.
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You get too subjective about the behavior of the people you're close to, she decided.
nadzwyczajny/ zdumiewający
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astonishing (achievement)
extremely surprising or impressive; amazing.
It had happened with astonishing speed.
nieskończony, nieograniczony
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przeciwieństwo - limited
My patience isn't infinite.
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the feeling of solitude
zwariowany, szalony
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nuts = crazy
Are you nuts? This is dangerous!
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tam i z powrotem
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back and forth
2. onieśmielony (kimś/czymś), 1. przestraszony (z powodu kogoś/czegoś)
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Have you ever felt intimidated by a woman?
dwuznaczny/ niejednoznaczny
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My question was ambiguous, but he knew what I meant.
poniżenie, upokorzenie
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uwodzicielski, ponętny
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She looks very seductive in her black dress.
wyprowadzać z równowagi
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A job interview with so many people unnerved me.
oszustwo/ podstęp
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His elaborate deception fooled everyone./ With your close family and real friends, there is no need for deception.
nieistotny, niezwiązany z tematem/ nieważny
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You're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
ostatecznie/ koniec końców
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ultimately = eventually/ in the end
I think our reaction should ultimately be a positive one.
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I believe that one of the most important things in a marriage is faith.
odkupienie grzechów/ zbawienie
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żal, smutek/ żałować
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I regret nothing at the end of the day.
dziedzictwo/ spuścizna/ spadek
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His musical legacy will inspire the future artists.
wściekły, zły/ wielki (np. szacunek)
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I've got mad respect for them./ I was so mad at her when I saw her drunk.
komuś by się coś przydało
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could use
I could use some cold beer right now./ I can use a piece of pie.
celowo, umyślnie
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purposely, deliberately
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Don't flatter me to much.
całkowicie, zupełnie
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utterly = comprehensively
I want to say how utterly brilliant you are in this movie.
układać puzzle
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do a puzzle
przeoczenie/ niedopatrzenie
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It was just an oversight on a form.
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We spent the next hour reminiscing about our old friend.
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not strict, not very hard on people in terms of discipline
znaczyć coś, być skrótem od czegoś
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stand for sth.
PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress disorder.
przejąć kontrolę
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take charge of sth.
of your health/ of live
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Today's computers are easy to use, and the web is omnipresent.
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as though
You need to do everything as though it were the last time.
niechętny/ wymuszony, narzucony (wyjazd, współpraca)
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I was unwilling to implement this solution at first but then I changed my mind.
niezapisane zasady
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unwritten rules
podjąć się czegoś
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He had to undertake a job not connected with his studies.
odwrotny, przeciwny
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The wish may have a reverse result.
podkreślać, uwypuklać
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emphasize = stress = highlight
She stressed her personal needs.
wspierać, pielęgnować (rozwój, współpracę)
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to encourage and support
My parents never fostered my decisions.
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to contain
upoważniać, upoważniony
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I am empowered to make that decision.
zrobić krok naprzód w czymś/ stanąć na wysokości zadania
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step up
You have stepped up since last week./ If you want this, you will have to step up.
odważny, śmiały, bezczelny (uwaga, pytanie)
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She always had a soft spot for bold and open-minded men.
mieć słabość do kogoś
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have a soft spot for sb
She always had a soft spot for bold and open-minded men.
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This painting depicts Saint Joseph.
odrażający, wstrętny
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"It's an abhorrent decision in light of all the evidence we have here."
opiekować się
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look after
Do you have any experience in looking after small children?
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The impact of the decision has created an unsettling situation.
smak, apetyt/ zamiłowanie do czegoś/ odczuwać przyjemność
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He takes great relish in meeting new people./ They were eating with relish./ I relish the chance to spend an afternoon here.
opis/ zobrazowanie
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It's a classic depiction of good versus evil.
wąski/ ograniczony (umysł)
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narrow/ narrow-minded
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głównie, przeważnie
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predominately = mostly, mainly
łatwy, nie wymagający wysiłku
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I had never met anyone who found life so effortless.
nabywać, przyswajać
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It is said that children acquire foreign languages easily.
żywy, barwny, bujny
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Children usually have a vivid imagination.
dostosować się
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adjust = adapt/accommodate
I adjust to new places very easily.
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You commit a fraud when you deliberately try to deceive a person or an institution.
przekonujący/ fascynujący
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compelling (evidence, argument)
evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. "his eyes were strangely compelling"
attractive, or irresistible, or really, really convincing
dokładny/ precyzyjny
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accurate = precise = exact
ustawiać nisko poprzeczkę
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set the low bar
Maybe it was good to set the bar low, because it didn't take long to get results.
przerażający/ onieśmielający
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intimidating = daunting
Next week, we will get an answer to an even more daunting question.
schylać się, zginać
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bend down
Can you bend and pick up the trash?
przykry/ denerwujący, irytujący
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niepokój, obawa
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The anxiety over safety in Europe is growing.
Jestem niewyspana.
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I am not well-rested.
uwłaczający, poniżający, obraźliwy (komentarz)
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The word may be seen as derogatory when used in this context.
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He is also very boastful and proud, but good at heart./ In my experience men are boastful and full of vain pride.
zakłócać, zaburzać
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They do not want to disrupt the lives of their children.
nieustanny (pościg, płacz)
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The situation will be particularly difficult because of the relentless population increase here.
pogrożka, zagrożenie
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We have been receiving anonymous threats.
ostatnia deska ratunku
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to be the last resort
the last course of action that you can take, something that you try when everything else has failed
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He was demoted at work.
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postawić kogoś w niezręcznej sytuacji
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put sb on the spot
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The barista made a shape in the coffee foam.
być skłonnym do czegoś/ mieć na coś ochotę
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be inclined to do sth
nieopisany, niesłychany
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I couldn't express my ineffable joy.
przerażający, okropny
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They live in the horrific conditions.
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I was genuinely moved by it.
powrócić, zatoczyć koło
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circle back
Please go forward without me and I'll circle back in later.
łagodzić/ leczyć (depresję, traumę)
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heal political divides/ An honest conversation has healed the dispute between my father and me.
zwierzyć się komuś
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confide in sb
She confided in me, I can't let her down.
odrzucić (pomysł, projekt, komplement)
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dismiss/ dismissed
The boss dismissed his idea because it would be too expensive.
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excessive (pressure, price, violence)
otwarty, szczery
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Let me be totally upfront with you.
podnoszący na duchu, pocieszający
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bawić się świetnie
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have a smashing time
dokładny, precyzyjny
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znacznie lepszy, ponadprzeciętny
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far superior
Your son has some superior abilities, you should be proud of him.
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This is Christmas, and overabundance is the order of the day.
odsłaniać, odkrywać
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Government lies were exposed a few years later.
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solitary (figure)
He is a weird solitary.
szczególnie, zwłaszcza, w szczególności
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So everything else had to be cut- notably the space program.
wnikliwy, bystry
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I have to say that you're a lot more insightful than most people your age.
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I don't tolerate racial prejudice.
srogi, dziki, przerażający
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I must have had a ferocious look in my eye.
surowy, ostry, srogi, brutalny
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Life is harsh sometimes, you have to be tough./ This family is living in harsh conditions.
niepotrzebne, nie na miejscu
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uncalled for
odmawiać, odrzucać
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decline = refuse
My employer at first declined my job application, but then found some good sides about me./ The Prime Minister declined to answer questions about his private life.
upijać się
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be on the booze
He was on the booze, but not always heavily - a couple of shots once in a while.
urzekający, zniewalający
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This is one of the most captivating articles I have read in years.
wesoły, żywy
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She gave him a tender kiss.
kruchy, delikatny
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rozszerzony, przedłużony
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I read the extended research on this topic.
drań, łajdak, łotr, nikczemnik
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From what she has told me, this man is a villain.
wyłaniać się = wychodzić, pojawiać się
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emerge = come out, appear
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
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charakterystyczny, wyróżniający się
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distinctive (accent, sound, voice)
But his looks were distinctive and very much of my father's family.
pociągajacy, kuszący
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appealing = attractive, tempting
Does that sound like an appealing idea to you?
dostosowywać się do czegoś
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conform to sth
You have to conform to our rules if you want to live here.
odcisk, ślad, piętno
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We found an imprint of a bear paw./ Those tragic event have left an imprint on her.
wada, minus, niedogodność, mankament
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Living in the rural area has one major drawback -- you don't have quick access to cinemas or shopping malls.
schludny, porządny, staranny (czysty i schludny)
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neat (neat and tidy) // neatly and precisely
He always looks neat in his white shirt and black tie.
iść na kompromis
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compromise on sth
nieustanny, nieprzerwany, ciągły (wsparcie)
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perpetual (support)
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If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.
utrapienie, niedogodność
Przestań być utrapieniem dla innych!
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Stop making a nuisance of yourself!
życzliwy (osoba); dobroczynna (organizacja)
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odwołanie (od jakiejś decyzji)
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The student appealed from the headmaster's decision.
wychowanie polegająca na uczeniu samodzielności
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tough love
doskonały przykład
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prime example
nawiązać kontakt/zbudować z kimś więź
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forge a connection
Sitting at the same table forges connections between people.
prawdopodobnie, zapewne
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He is arguably the most important figure in world music.
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The charm of the city is undeniable.
cud, wyjątkowy talent, geniusz
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He was a child prodigy who first performed at the age of four.
ujmujący, uroczy
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endearing, charming (child)
He was smiling at me in the most endearing way./
wszystko jest możliwe
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anything is possible
Tatry / Góry Tatrzańskie
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the Tatras / the Tatra Mountains
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They live on the outskirts of London.
miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia
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love at first sight
wierne odbicie, wierna kopia
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carbon copy
It is a carbon copy of what we saw four years ago.
wypisz wymaluj
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the spitting image
She is the spitting image of her mother.
istotny/ znaczący
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This substantial event will go down in history.
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petty minded
od, od tego czasu, odkąd
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I haven't seen her since yesterday./ We've been friends since the day we met.
to nie jest w moich obowiązkach
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This is not my capacity.
uspokajający/ dodający otuchy
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His voice was low and reassuring, exactly what she needed at this moment.
czas dobrze spędzony/pieniądze dobrze wykorzystane
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time well spent/ money well spent
gleba, upadek, łomot, baty, cęgi, lanie
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My wipeout was spectacular.
przypływ szczęścia
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rush of happiness
spokojny/ pogodny / bezchmurny / błogi
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znacznie, znacząco, istotny (wydarzenie, informacja)
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substantially// substantial changes
I feel that the time has come for substantial changes.
gorąca dyskusja
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heated discussion
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Over the years, the results of these studies have contradicted one another.
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I got the same disconcerting results as the last time.
najnowocześniejsza/ nowatorska technologia
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cutting-edge technology
Our c.e. new family! (zdanie z nobody wants us)
ułatwiać nam zrozumienie
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facilitate our understanding/ the ability
utorować drogę (rozwojowi medycyny)
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pave the way for (medical developments)
nadejście technologii mobilnej
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advent of mobile technology
The advent of technology brought changes to our working environment.
błędne myślenie
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flawed thinking
mieć talent/dryg
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have a knack for
We all know I have a knack for convincing people.
zaszczepić wartości w/ wpoić
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instill values in
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droczyć się, przekomarzać
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There was lazy, bantering talk between the two old friends.
przyziemne zadania
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mundane tasks
przedostatni = przedostatni
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penultimate = last but one
wycieczka szkolna
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school outing/trip
podstawowa przyczyna
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the root cause
In fact, that might be the root cause of the problem.
strzelać na chybił trafił
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take a wild guess
Go ahead, take a wild guess before you read the next paragraph.
niepodważalny dowód
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indisputable proof
I need indisputable proof to show my superiors before we can even think about becoming involved.
silne przekonanie
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strong belief
"He had a very strong belief that actions were more important than words."
w moich wczesnych nastoletnich latach
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in my early teens
ogród z przodu budynku
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front yard
The children played football in the front yard.
niepokojące odkrycia
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disconcerting findings
różne przykłady
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diverse examples
The museum serves as an important collection of items of ecological interest, complete with large gardens and diverse examples of Brazilian flora.
wyraźne wspomnienie
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clear recollection
As a 59-year-old, I have a clear recollection of these unfortunate events.
nabrać doświadczenia
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accumulate experience
You need to accumulate experience and practice for a long time
przeprowadzać eksperymenty
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carry out experiments
delikatnie mówiąc
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to say the least
He's not our best worker, to say the least.
niepotwierdzone konto
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unsubstantiated account
wgryźć się mocniej w coś
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dig deeper into something
przeciwność losu
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She keeps moving on despite all the adversities that occur to her.
pochylić się = garbić się
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bend down = hunch over
niepowodzenie czegoś/kogoś
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setback for sth/ to sb
Loosing the frontman was a setback for the band.
dzień w dzień
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day in day out
Jack wore the same T-shirt day in day out.
obrzydliwy, niegrzeczny
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What an obnoxious smell!
Przykro mi, że Cię rozczaruję.
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Sorry to burst your bubble.
robić minę, krzywić się
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make a face
Stop making a face and eat it!
od teraz
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from now on
From now on I'll try to be more understanding.
duszny, upalny dzień
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stifling hot day
rozpalam mojego wewnętrznego buntownika
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firing up my inner rebel
czas aby delektować się i cieszyć
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time to relish and enjoy
podjąć świadomy wysiłek
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make a conscious effort
dorownać komuś
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measure up to somebody
You will never measure up to him in charm and style.
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He neglected his look after the divorce./ She takes care of the house but she neglects the garden.
blat kuchenny
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the kitchen counter
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He didn't leave a crumb on the plate.
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wychowanie lub natura
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nurture or nature
So, in your opinion, doctor, were my actions triggered by nature or nurture?
Założę się, że coś...
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I am betting that sth...
zawzięty, zaciekły (mecz, walka)
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After a hard-fought match, the game ended in a scoreless draw.
być wtajemniczonym
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be in the know
For people in the know, this was very unusual.
stateczny, opanowany
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For a dog only three years old, Jack was very sedate.
publiczność w niewoli
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captive audience
And for the next few hours he's a captive audience.
dzwonić do kogoś/ dawać przyjemność, energię
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give sb a buzz
to give someone a feeling of excitement, energy, and pleasure:
I love riding fast - it gives me a real buzz.
Ciesz się tym co najlepsze!
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Enjoy the buzz!
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They came here for the basketball tournament.
kpić z kogoś
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sneer at sb
He looks at you with a sneer.
głośny/ oszałamiający sukces
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resounding success
The evening had been a resounding success, and everything was in place.
bezprecedensowa liczba osób
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unprecedented number of people
fatalna porażka
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dismal failure
The rest say that approach has been a dismal failure.
absolutne fiasko
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unmitigated disaster
Well, actually, so far tonight had been pretty much an unmitigated disaster.
wieczny student
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eternal student
paląca ambicja do
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burning ambition to (become a writer)
próżna próba
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futile attempt
I still try a futile attempt to argue with you.
ogromne wyzwanie
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formidable challenge
The new leaders at the ministry face a formidable challenge.
rozmyślać, rozwodzić się nad czymś
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dwell on sth
Stop dwelling on your problems, it won't help.// It's good to dwell on the next life. (cytat z Fleabag)
podsycać emocje
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fan emotions
That argument only fanned our emotions.
studzić emocje
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cool the enthusiasm
Of course, the boom in prices has cooled the enthusiasm of some potential buyers.
zaklinać rzeczywistość
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conjure the reality
mieć słabość do kogoś
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have a soft spot for sb
I still have a soft spot in my heart for them.
perspektywa czegoś (powodzenia)
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prospect of sth
This is such a dismal prospect that I must not allow it to happen. / He believed in hard work with the prospect of success.
traktuj rady kogokolwiek z przymrużeniem oka
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take advice with a pinch of salt from anybody
zbliżeniowa (karta) / bliskość
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proximity (card) /
Their proximity made her feel better.
wzorzec doskonałości
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benchmark of excellence
pełen szacunku
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Reverential silence before Shakespeare, it seems, was not a thing of the past.
wzburzenie, wściekłość, furia
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wynieś śmieci
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take out the rubbish
skrajne przypadki
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extreme cases
z jednej strony/z drugiej strony/po namyśle/ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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on the one hand/ on the other/ on second thoughts/ on the whole
On the one hand, I want to see the show, but on the other hand, I may not have the time.
zadanie domowe/obowiązki domowe
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domestic task/ chores
hodowla przemysłowa
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industrial breeding
zbrodnia przeciwko naturze
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crime against nature
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The plot interweaves fantasy and reality.
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I hate this feeling of loneliness when you leave.
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My longing for her cannot be described in words.
układ Słoneczny
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the solar system
oskarżać kogoś o coś
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accuse sb of sth
He was accused of stealing two thousand dollars from the store.
wyczerpywanie zasobów naturalnych
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depleting natural resources
By the year 2038 all of Earth's natural resources have been depleted.
zrównoważona moda
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sustainable fashion
Could sustainable fashion let you wear the same dress for a year?
temat rzeka
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a very broad subject
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Do you mind telling me how you got this wound?
bąbel/ pęcherz / odcisk
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I walked so much yesterday that I have blisters on my feet today.
bańki (med.)
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apply the cupping glasses
chciałbym, żeby tak było - nierealna przeszłość
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wish it had been - unreal past
I wish it had been 'pusta łepetyna'.
obyty w świecie
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sophisticated = man of the world
If you are sophisticated, you know how to behave.
wyrzut, robić wyrzuty (komuś)
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reproach (sb)
He paid no attention to the reproaches or the questions.
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I've been without sleep for 80 hours so I'm beyond simple fatigue./ I'm feeling fatigue after the whole day of running.
miejsce na śmietankę (w kawie)
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room for cream
Would you like room for cream?
być następnym w kolejce
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be next in line
I was next in line.
pochylać skośnie (np. siedzenie w samolocie)
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When she reclined the back of the seat I couldn't move.
popilnować miejsca (w kolejce)
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hold the spot
Could you please hold my spot?
niesamowite podobieństwo
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uncanny resemblance
gdzieś z tyłu głowy
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in the back of my mind
You know, in the back of my mind I always thought that maybe she...
przekazać (wiadomość, podziękowania), wyrażać (emocje)
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Can you convey this message to the boss?// The song conveys my every feeling.
włóczęga, szwędanie się
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There's no loitering here. You need to clear the area.
dowiadywać się, pytać
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If I may inquire...
mieć coś za sobą, mieć coś z głowy
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get sth over with
We want to get this over with as soon as possible./ Let's get it over with.
chodzić wokół czegoś na palcach
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tiptoe around something
Do we really need to tiptoe around all of these issues that make us unconfortable?
nie mieć czasu
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be short of time
It's a long story and I'm short of time.
marnować dużo czasu
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throw a lot of time away
brzmieć tak zrozumiale, jak to tylko możliwe
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to sound as intelligible as possible
szantaż/ szantażować
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"If you don't give me the money, I'm going to tell your wife." "This is blackmail!"
bez przygód (np. o podróży), bez wrażeń (np. o życiu), spokojny (czas)
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My life is so uneventful, I have to change something.
niezwykle ważne/ kluczowe
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of utmost importance
Getting this done is of utmost importance.
najlepiej uwierz
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you best believe
And when I say I'm ready, you best believe it./ Do you think they can win? You best believe it!
pen kumpel / przyjaciel korespondencyjny
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pen pal / pen friend
I've got a pen pal in China.
bez odbioru
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I am over and out
Meet me tonight or I am over and out, don't need a pen pal.
powoli ale pewnie
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slowly but surely
wstrząsające doświadczenie, moment
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harrowing experience, moment
opieka zastępcza (system)
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foster care (system)
He grew up with foster care, but turned out to be a regular person.
niezwykle odporny (poczucie humoru)
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remarkably resilient (sense of humor)
podobać się komuś/ trafiać do kogoś
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appeal to sb
My plan appealed to everybody.
być poza gustem opinii publicznej
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be out of public taste
wywoływać emocje
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evoke emotions
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Cotton is a soft fabric.//Democracy is a fabric of our nation.
skazany przestępca
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convicted felon
Donald T. is the 1st convicted felon to become the president.
na swoją obronę
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in my defense (I didn't know sth)
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The Native Americans didn't develop immunity to European diseases brought by the colonists.
iść na całość, dać z siebie wszystko
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go all-out
You have certainly gone all-out. (cytat z Normal people, reakcja na sukienkę Mariann)
przystać na gorszą opcję
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settle for second best
zamieść problemy pod dywan
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brush problems under the rug
Child abuse should never be brushed under the rug; it demands immediate attention.
przegryw, słabeusz
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the underdog
ewentualność, plan awaryjny
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They are prepared for every possible contingency.// It's not the c. - to nie jest plan awaryjny.
zazdrosny o kogoś
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envious of sb/sth
She is envious of Tim having the opportunity to work for Microsoft.
ukryty motyw
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ulterior motive
I was not coming to your house with any ulterior motive.
porządny, przyzwoity (osoba, pensja, sukienka)
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He used to be a decent boy but then he met Peter and changed.
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I know that there is some apprehension with regard to these figures.
cechy charakteru
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character traits
Character traits determine our attitude towards life.
leniwy niechluj/leniwy tyłek/nierób
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lazy slob/lazy ass/bummer
tytan pracy
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demon for work
skryty, wycofany, zamknięty w sobie
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opłakany skutek
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miserable result/effect
opiekun, strażnik, stróż
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guardian (angel)
You are now the guardian of all these great treasures.
ochronić, zabezpieczyć// dżem, konfitura
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Our government wants to preserve national parks.// My grandma has lots of jars of preserves in her cellar.
smutek = żal
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sorrow = grief
Or did she break his heart because of her sorrow?
zaniepokojony, zatroskany
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My mother is always anxious about me.
połączyć z
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merge with
In 1994 the club merged with local team and took its current name.
druga połówka (o żonie lub mężu)
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other half
I was planning to go to Spain for about two weeks with my other half.
pogłębiać (twoją wiedzę)
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deepen (your knowledge)
They deepen their relationship and open up to each other.
zwinny umysł
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agile mind
być w zawieszeniu/zastoju
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be in the limbo
The hospital has been in limbo for many years now.
stłumić (emocje), hamować się// prześladować, represjonować
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repress (feelings, emotions)
Feelings came back to him that he must have repressed.
z powrotem w punkcie wyjścia
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back to square one
We were so close to the end of that but now we're back to square one.
wycofać się w porę
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cut our losses
At some point you just have to accept reality and cut your losses.
mieć ambitne plany
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think big
If you don't think big, what's the point of thinking at all?
nie mieć sobie równych
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stay on top of the game
Jeśli wszystko inne zawiedzie
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if all else fails
If all else fails, they will distribute the movie themselves.
jest to sytuacja korzystna dla obu stron
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it's a win-win situation
uzyskać przewagę nad kimś
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get the better of sb
Don't let fear get the better of you; face it head-on.
iść za ciosem
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keep up the momentum
The challenge is to keep up the momentum to make a real change.
stawić czoło żywiołom, złej pogodzie
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brave the elements
wada, skaza, usterka = defekt
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flaw = defect
There are some flaws in your argument.
zdrętwiały (z zimna) otępiały (umysł)
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numb (mind)
His mind still felt numb, but something was clear to him.
zadawać ból
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inflict pain
Its end purpose is to make the inflicting of pain, even death, acceptable.
męt, niziny społeczne
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What the hell was she doing hanging out with those lowlifes?
spędzać wolny czas
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hang out
I like hanging out with you.
chłopak, który mnie napadł
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lad that mugged me
I'd rather the lad that mugged me was your boyfriend. (cytat z Normal people)
mieć do kogoś żal
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resent sb
I think it's totally fair if you resent me.// I resented him for not seeing me off.
w błędnym przekonaniu
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in the mistaken belief
koniec zabawy! koniec balu panno lalu!
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the jig is up!
zbywać kogoś, zniechęcać kogoś
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put sb off
I put a beggar off who asked me for some money to buy a wine.
chłonąć każde słowo
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hang on every word
ulotny rzut oka/moment/uśmiech/zainteresowanie kimś
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fleeting glimpse/moment/smile/interest in sb
wakacje, które spędzamy w swoim kraju lub w domu
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Yorkshire staycation: 'We have art galleries and beautiful scenery.
spać do późna
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sleep in
wtrącać się
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butting in
Sorry for butting in.
trafne spostrzeżenie
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accurate observation
żartobliwy, kpiarski, prześmiewczy
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zbyt duża ilość rzeczy które zaczynają stanowić problem
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embarrassment of riches
An overabundance of something, too much of a good thing.
There is always an embarrassment of riches on the menu here.
ponosić klęskę, położyć (żart)
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fall flat
The employee training program fell flat due to the lack of engagement.// All your jokes fall flat.
dojść na sam szczyt (np. popularności)
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hit the big time
Many of these acts began their lives as cover bands and played high school dances, before hitting the big time.
wznieść się - wznieść się - wznieść się - stanąć na wysokości zadania
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rise - rose - risen - rise to the occasion
I will try to rise to the occasion of being a good son.
zszokowany, zdumiony, wprawiony w osłupienie// zatkany
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I was utterly gobsmacked when I heard the news from my sister.
ryczeć (ze śmiechu)
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roar (with laughter)
Tigers and lions roar loudly.//We roared with laughter at their absurdity.
niepokojący (sytuacja)
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unsettling (situation)
How unsettling not to be alone inside her own skin.
wspomnieć o czymś
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touch on sth/ touch upon sth
Could you not touch on my break up?
wnikliwość/spostrzeżenie, obserwacja
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Her insight was invaluable.
współpracować z kimś, wchodzić w komitywę
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liaise with somebody
prosta/podstawowa/fundamentalna zasada
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simple/basic/fundamental principle
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My father has always been a fair-minded person.
zmagać się z czymś/borykać
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wrestle with something
She has been wrestling with depression for 9 years.
poronienie/pomyłka sądowa
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miscarriage/miscarriage of juistice
The most common time for a miscarriage is in the first 13 weeks.
wystarczy! miarka się przebrała
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enough is enough!
w obliczu czegoś (np. trudności)
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in the face of something
You have to stay calm even in the face of difficulties.
podpisać ułaskawienie
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sign a pardon
selektywnie, wybiórczo
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So the best plan is to choose selectively what to see, and leave the rest for next time.
namawiać kogoś do zaatakowania mnie/popełnienia przestępstwa
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instigate sb to attack me/to commit a crime
wyróżniony/wyróżnić kogoś
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singled out/single sb out
I was singled out by the headmaster himself.
nieustający nacisk/atak/ból
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unrelenting pressure/attack/pain = relentless
It was wonderful to be free of the unrelenting pain.
przestępstwa kryminalne
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felony charges
He was arrested on the two felony charges, then taken to court.
ścigany przez
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prosecuted by/on
In my eyes, both should be prosecuted for what they did.
rozwiązać tajemnicę = rozwikłać tajemnicę
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solve a mystery = unravel a mystery
główny/duży rywal
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main/big rival
przewyższają innych
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outperform the others
Our school outperformed yours last year.
program pomocy potrzebującym
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outreach program
chronicznie online
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brainrot - chronically online and should go touch grass
zaangażowany w coś
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on board = involved with sth
The local government has been on board for 9 months.
pilna sprawa
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pressing issue
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spark (of life in sb eyes) = provoke
They have sparked an interest in art among their friends. // He is getting better - I can see it by the spark of life in his eyes.
niepewna sytuacja // niebezpieczny, ryzykowny
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precarious situation
He was trying to maintain control of a very precarious situation.
przeoczyć/ wychodzić (okna na ulicę, morze/
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He overlooked a misspelled word.// The window in the room overlooks the sea.
byle jak, niechlujnie
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They can dress sloppily, but I have to be perfect every day.
niechlujny, zaniedbany
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scruffy = sloppy
This is a small, scruffy pub run by one man.
wystawny (styl życia), obfity, bardzo bogaty, wykwintny
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lavish lifestyle = opulent
This dinner was lavish, I could eat everything I wanted.
w odległości 6 km
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within 6 km distance
robić znaczne postępy
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make great strides
The science of cancer has made great strides in recent years.
przemysł odzieżowy// strój
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garment industry// garment
starać się, postarać się, usiłować, próbować, spróbować (rzeczownik + czasownik)
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Engineers are endeavouring to locate the source of the problem.
włoczyć się, wędrować// błądzić (myślami)// pójść na przechadzkę
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wander around// go for a wander
My students never allow their minds to wander during my lessons.
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the multitude
For a moment they stood still, the multitude of silent people.
powstrzymać przepływ
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to stem the flow
Sweden introduced new border controls for people entering the country by train, bus or ferry in a bid to stem the flow of migrants.
w powijakach, w początkowym stadium
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in its infancy
However, despite encouraging evidence, such research is very much in its infancy.
robić znaczne postępy/ postęp
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make great strides/ stride
I am an only child but have made great strides since about the age of 15 in learning how to share.// In recent years, the country has made great political and economic strides
wyczerpujący, męczący (praca, wysiłek)
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strenous (day, time, efforts)
But are you strong enough for the more strenuous kind of work?// But we must give them time to rest after their strenuous day.
przerabiać, poprawiać, ulepszać
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(completely) revamp
He revamped the program and tried to make it successful.
zmienić się w coś
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turn into sth/sb
During war, people turn into monsters.
spóźniony refleks (orientujesz się za drugim spojrzeniem)
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do a double take
You have to do a double-take to realize it's not the original.
wynagrodzić, zrekompensować// pogodzić się z kimś
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make amends with sb= make up with sb
I need to make amends with my mother, if that is possible.// Tom and his girlfriend quarrelled, but made up soon afterwards.
być w przygotowaniu
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be in the pipeline
Our wedding is still in the pipeline.
piąć się po szczeblach kariery// wspiąć się po drabinie
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climb THE ladder// climb A ladder
Visitors can climb a ladder and view it from a balcony.
przechytrzyć kogoś
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outsmart sb
Remember how he gave the orders and outsmarted the teachers?
wydawać rozkazy// wykonywać rozkazy
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give an order// follow orders
zwrócić się w stronę czegoś
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pivot to something
change opinions, decision
I did pivot to something new. // It was harder for Bush to pivot to the positive when so much of his campaign revolved around taking down Kerry.
zostać powitanym
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be greeted by
He entered the room and was greeted by shouts of surprise.
przesunięcie, przełożenie// wysiedlenie, wysiedleniec
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displacement// displaced person
The displacement of this event will not influence our preparations.
punkt kulminacyjny, główna atrakcja
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Her performance is the highlight of the show.
zauroczyć, zachwycić
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captivate (c. me instantly)
His witty speech captivated the audience.
wybieg (wybiegi) (modowy)
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the catwalk (the catwalks)
być nowatorskim, przekraczać granice
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push the envelope
I'm glad someone is pushing the envelope and trying different things.
trudny, skomplikowany (wymagające fizycznie lub psychicznie)
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taxing, physically or mentally demanding
When a dance is being created from scratch it's a much more taxing experience.
kameralny, skromny, stonowany
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low-key (gift, celebration, lifestyle)
They enjoyed a low-key movie night, complete with popcorn and cozy blankets.
komedia romantyczna
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rom com = romantic comedy
You'd be more likely surprised by a Hollywood rom com.
wyrzuty sumienia, skrucha
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I was filled with remorse.
nie mieć skrupułów wobec czegoś
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have no qualms about sth
sztywne zasady/skostniała struktura
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rigit rules/structure
Also it must be said that sometimes the more rigid structure of the constellation is desired.
mankiety / kajdanki
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cuffs / handcuffs
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biased against sth/sb
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partial / impartial
Don't ask him for his opinion, he's very partial.
według własnego uznania
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at his discretion
mieć wpływ na coś, zrobić w czymś znaczącą różnicę
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move the needle in/on sth
na nogach/na chodzie
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on my feet/ get on my feet
I've been on my feet all day.// So get on your feet and act like a man.
szybko podejmować decyzje, myśleć szybko
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think on your/my feet
This job requires thinking on your feet.// You have to think on your feet and be creative.
z perspektywy czasu
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in hindsight
In hindsight, maybe you shouldn't have told that part of the story.
oszołomiony/w oszołomieniu
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dazed/ dazedly
He was dazed by the unexpected news.
jąkanie się/ wydukać
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stuttering/stutter out
In a way, his stuttering reminded me of myself just a few months ago.
zagubiony, skołowany = zdezorientowany // nerwowy
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flustered by all the attention= confused // nervous // lost
I was too flustered, and maybe a little afraid to say yes.
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conscious = aware
Is she really conscious of the possible outcome of this?
bardzo skupiony
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You have to be laser-focused and relentless with an incredibly clear plan.
zachęta, bodziec (do zrobienia czegoś)// spontanicznie
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spur// on the spur of the moment
She needs a spur to start working.
zajmować się/ radzić sobie z/klamka
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handle sth
She's handling the whole HR department.// I don't think I'll handle it alone.// I can't close the door, the handle is broken.
przedawkować coś
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overdose on something
He had overdosed on heroin at his friend's house that morning.
zgodny z oczekiwaniami, na przyzwoitym poziomie// niezgodnie z o., rozczarowujące
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up to par// not up to par
I am always trying to keep my skills up to par.
z natury
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New York is just not an innately rebellious place, remember.
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Is she dismissive of me because my father was wealthy?
jedynie, tylko, zaledwie
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merely / only / just
You're merely a child.
zwyciężyć/przetrwać wbrew wszelkim przeciwnościom
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prevail against all the odds
niepotrzebne dodatki, bajery
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bells and whistles
ociągający się
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lingering/ lingeringly
He hesitated for a moment, then kissed her again, more lingeringly this time.
złożyć hołd
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pay homage/tribute
They did not want to be identified, but just wanted to pay homage.
zatkany nos
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stuffy nose
smarki, gluty// zasmarkaniec
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przeziębienie/przeziębić się
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cold/chill/catch a cold/chill
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It's quite chilly outside.
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He deals in herring, and he always smells of it.
znosić jajka
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lay eggs
They will only lay eggs a few times a year.
zdumiony = zszokowany
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astonished = shocked
He looked astonished, as if the idea had never occurred to him.
uspać dziecko // zasnąć
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get sb off
I got my child off./ I can't get myself off. Could you sing to me?
bezalkoholowy drink// bez alkoholu
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moctail// no booze
daj sobie spokój/ nie wymyślaj
Ty tak na serio?!
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be for real!
Are you for real?
prosto rzecz ujmując
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in simple terms
ułamek sekundy
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split second
It will not take more than a split second.
skupić się bardziej na czymś
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put more focus on sth.
punkt sporny
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moot point
The timing of the event has become a moot point since the location is already booked.
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gut feeling
I have a gut feeling, but I'm not going to say what it is.
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Perhaps all the athletes could wear a black ribbon as a sign of mourning.
nieślubne dziecko
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child born out of wedlock
Do you really want another child born out of wedlock?
druhna// drużba
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bridesmaid / maid of honour// bestman
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She rubbed her hands on her dungarees.
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She wore a shapeless gray cotton boilersuit and cosmetic bruises.
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kwartet smyczkowy
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string quartet
In addition to these, he wrote several other works for string quartet which were not published.
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altar boy
He is a religious man by nature, having been an altar boy as a child.
kazanie (w kościele), kazanie (moralna przemowa, np. od rodziców)
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This past Sunday, what do you think that sermon was about?
zaniedbywać (np. obowiązki), ignorować
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let sth slide
She constantly lets her daughter's behaviour slide.// I will let your lie slide.
obciążać (np. odpowiedzialnością)
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impose something on somebody
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wellingtons, wellies
Wellingtons are ideal for the wet weather.
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impostor = scammer
At least tell her that he was an impostor and had left suddenly in the night.// However when the victim goes to meet the scammer they never show up.
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vengeance (sense of v.)
Vengeance against the man who killed him is simply a reward for my patience.
złośliwość / złośliwy
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malice / malicious
I found no malice in him, only concern and love.
święty/ sakralny
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sacred / holy (s. art/music)
The family is sacred to me.
odstraszony/ powstrzymany
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deterred from
But today they would not be deterred by the present.// I am not going to be deterred by that thing.
warstwy cebuli, które obierasz
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layers of the onion that you peel away
harówka, harówa
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hard graft
w pojedynkę/ samemu
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single handedly
For the next five years he was the only teacher of Commerce and he single handedly managed to successfully run the department.
próba (np. w teatrze)/ próba generalna
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rehearsal/ dress rehearsal
They're preparing for the dress rehearsal.
zatkało (kogoś), powaliło, zbiło z tropu
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floored sb
She completely floored me when she announced she was getting married.
niezliczona ilość, ogrom
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myriad of sth
You have a myriad of choices!
począwszy od ... do...
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range from ... to...
od razu się polubiliśmy/zaiskrzył
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we had natural rapport/ we clicked/ we vibed
pięćdziesiąte urodziny
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fiftieth birthday
sutek/smoczek = smoczek
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nipple = dummy
być złym na kogoś
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be angry with somebody
Don't be angry with me!
wstrząs polityczny/ społeczny
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political upheaval
pozornie przekonujący
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outwardly persuasive
People saying things outwardly that they may not feel deep down.
wzór do naśladowania
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the role model to emulate
This is the guy you want your kids to emulate.
głupi żart, kawał
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hoax stories
The story turned out to be a hoax.
zmusić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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coerce sb into doing sth
They coerced her into sending 1 million dollars for a kidney treatment.
delikatnej budowy
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odzyskaj swój umysł, swoje życie od pracy
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reclaim your mind, r. your life from work
wszechstronna wersja nas samych
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well rounded version of ourselves = versatile
czcić = szanować
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revere = respect
They have worked hard for their name, which is revered among fans.
pasować do czegoś
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align with sth/sb
Its values align with my own life.// His behaviour aligns with my theory.
podkreślić punkt/ważność/potrzebę
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underscore the point/ the importance/ the need = underline
rozbudzić czyjeś zainteresowania/ciekawość
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spark sb's interests/curiosity
być w sprzeczności, nie zgadzać się
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be at odds
My boss is at odds with Mary.
śmiały, bezczelny pomysł/pytanie/uwaga
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audacious idea/question/ remark = bold
godzinami, przez wiele godzin
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for hours on end
They could not sleep, and talked for hours on end.
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I've got good genes.
zaspokoić moją ciekawość
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satisfy my curiosity
korzystny efekt/pozytywny efekt/wpływ
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beneficial effect/ positive effect/influence
That could indeed be evidence of a significant beneficial effect.
zakres czegoś/szeroki zakres czegoś
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a range of sth/ wide range of sth
szeroki = szeroki/obszerny/szeroki temat/uśmiech
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broad = wide/ comprehensive/ broad topic/smile
co dziwne/dziwnie
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oddly enough/oddly
What first got my attention was, oddly enough, her mind.
napięta atmosfera/napięta sytuacja
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tense atmosphere/ tense situation
nervous, anxious atmosphere
The high level of competition creates a tense atmosphere for many prospective students.
słusznie, całkiem słusznie
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rightly so
na samym dole// na górze
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at the very bottom of sth.// at the top
Przepraszam, coś mi wypadło.
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Sorry, something came up.
zapalony, gorliwy czytelnik/fan/uwaga/// gorliwie, namiętnie
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avid reader/fan/attention, beer drinker// avidly
He'd also been a good student and an avid reader.
rozpraszalność, stan bycia rozproszonym
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Keeping them on track is difficult, and their distractibility is much worse.
napotkać problem, trudności// kontakt, spotkanie
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encounter a problem, difficulties// encounter
Early on, he encountered a problem that would face many libraries - a lack of adequate space.// We encountered some difficulties when trying to apply for a visa.
wytrzymałość, kondycja, konsekwencja
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stamina, endurance
He certainly seems to have the stamina for two jobs.
niepodważalny dowód, fakt
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uncontested evidence, fact
zawalony pracą, zapracowany
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swamped with work
I can't help you today, I am swamped.
czuć się doskonale
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feel frisky
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Unidentified sound came out of the speaker.
trzęsienie ziemi
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pod kroplówką
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on a drip
He ended up on a drip in the Princess Margaret hospital.
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She sat on the bench and started feeding the pigeons.
odprowadzać kogoś
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see sb off vs pick sb up
I resented him for not seeing me off.
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wyzywać kogoś wyzwiskami
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call sb names
Kids used to call me names at school.
plus minus
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give or take
He was about my age, give or take a year.
bez zbędnej zwłoki/bez ceregieli
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without further ado
kącik, zakątek, nisza (wnęka w kuchni)
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nook - jako kącik w życiu którego szukamy żeby się tam schować
"I have always wanted my own little nook," she said.
odwrotnie, na odwrót
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the other way round
Is this how I should put this? - No, the other way around!
Nie mam ochoty nic robić/robić tego./ nie chcę mi się
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I don't feel like doing anything/ doing it.
ograniczony (umysłowo), mało rezolutny, głupi/ ofiara losu
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feeble-minded/ feeble creature
żenujący, niezręczny, głupi
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foolish, silly
być w swoim żywiole
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be in your/ one's element
When he's swimming, he is in his element./ You should dance with him, he'll be in his element.
tygiel, miejsce wielokulturowe
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melting pot
This city is a melting pot - people from all over the world live here.
czuć się nieswojo// czuć się swobodnie
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feel ill at ease// feel at ease
The medical students were silent because they already felt ill at ease and a bit paranoid.
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overseas/foreign/international (student, bank, market)
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The church in those days was a large and handsome edifice.
będzie miała 6 lat
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turn 6
She will turn 6 in September.
żywiciel rodziny
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When she was 16 years old her father died, leaving the family without its main breadwinner.
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speech therapist
trzymać się od czegoś z daleka
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steer clear of sth / sb
Better steer clear of gossip at work.
arogancki, bezczelny, krzykliwy (stròj)
przeciwieństwo demure
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bystry, błyskotliwy, dowcipny
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witty/ clever (child)
odzyskać (fizyczną) siłę, równowagę, kontrolę
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regain (physical) strenght, balance, control
regain control of sth
zlitować się nad kimś
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take pity on sb
poświęcony czemuś
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dedicated TO sth
I will dedicate half the money to cancer treatment research.// I dedicate this song to my girlfriend.
uśpiony wulkan (choroba, zwierzę zimą)
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dormant volcano (choroba, zwierzę zimą)
At this time of the year, the garden is dormant.
słuch/aparat słuchowy/uszkodzony słuch
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hearing/ hearing aid/impaired hearing
Have you got difficulty with your hearing?
kufer pełen złota
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a trunk full of gold
grzyb/roślina/produkt trujący
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poisonous mushroom/plant/product
wózek inwalidzki
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My wife will not be entering her new home in a wheelchair.
prostować (włosy)
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straighten your hair
Her hair is naturally curly but she always straightens it.
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mieć rękę do roślin
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have green fingers
wspomnisz moje słowa!
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mark my words
You'll regret this, mark my words.
istotny = ważny
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relewant = important
nadchodzące, nadciągajace (terminy),
zawsze coś nieprzyjemnego
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looming deadlines
of something unwanted or unpleasant, about to happen soon and causing worry
hmmm można sobie pomarzyć
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chance would be a fine thing
zapisać się na kurs
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sign up for a course = enroll on, enroll for
podpisać się
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set your name = sign
You have to sign these documents.
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accelerate (change, labour, growth, the start of the project, the process) = speed up
zejść po schodach
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walk downstairs/ walk down the stairs
My grandmother has difficulties walking down the stairs.
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weight bar
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running track, track
The stadium includes a running track open to the public.

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