Writing vocabulary and phrases

 0    20 schede    joanna_spe
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I would like to apply
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for the position of...
One of my reason for
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applying is
At present I am
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working as a...
For the last two years I have
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been working as a...
I feel I would be suitable
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for the job because...
I think I would be a
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suitable candidate for... because...
The job would give me the opportunity
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I would be happy to provide
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I am available
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to attend an interview.
I hope you will
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consider my application
I look forward
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to hearing from you in the near future
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in the near future
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a position (of)
Ubiegać się
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to apply for a job
Nadawać się na coś
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to be suitable for sth
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a candidate
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to claim (many people claim that...)
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an argument
Pamiętać o czymś
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to bear in mind that (we should bear in mind that...)

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