Working off the clock

 0    22 schede    frankherbert60
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Domanda English Risposta English
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making you lose confidence or hope
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giving support to someone or something
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because you choose to do it, rather than you have to do it
public sector
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the industries and services controlled by the government of a country
peer pressure
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the influence that other people have on the way you behave
job insecurity
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the fear that your job is not safe and that you may lose it
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something that you are legally allowed to have
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an attempt to do something that is difficult or that involves hard work
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become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it
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started using a particular idea, plan or method
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keeping something within strict limits
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things that are usual or expected
clock off
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pass a special card through a piece of equipment to record that you are leaving work
take its toll
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badly affect someone or something, especially in a gradual way
in terms of
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used for saying which aspects of something you are talking about
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beyond the normal paid working hours
in lieu
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to replace extra time worked
take something for granted
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expect something always to happen or exist in a particular way
raise awareness
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increase knowledge or understanding of a subject, issue or situation
in this respect
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in this aspect of something
make good business sense
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be practical and good for a company and its employees
set an example
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behave in a way that makes other people want to copy you

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