Word formation 4

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Harry poprosił o paragon.
Harry asked for a _______.
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Harry asked for a receipt.
Nina chce być politykiem.
Nina wants to be a ___________.
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Nina wants to be a politician.
Nikt nie zna dokładnej głębokości tego jeziora.
Nobody knows the exact _____ of this lake.
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Nobody knows the exact depth of this lake.
Trzeba mieć dużo cierpliwości, żeby iść na ryby.
You need a lot of ________ to go fishing.
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You need a lot of patience to go fishing.
Małżeństwo to poważna sprawa.
________ is a serious matter.
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Marriage is a serious matter.
Tom wysłał swoje podanie o pracę.
Tom sent his job ___________.
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Tom sent his job application.
Umysł Helen jest wypełniony wszystkimi rodzajami wiedzy.
Helen's mind is filled with all kinds of _________.
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Helen's mind is filled with all kinds of knowledge.
Nie było wytłumaczenia na tą kraksę.
There was no ___________ for this crash.
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There was no explanation for this crash.
Kradzież diamentów zadziwiła policję.
The ______ of the diamonds baffled the police.
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The theft of the diamonds baffled the police.
Większość ludzi nie ma prawdziwej wiary w duchy
Most people don't have real ______ in ghosts.
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Most people don't have real belief in ghosts.
Tina nie miała podejrzenia, że coś jest nie tak
Tina had no _________ that anything was wrong.
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Tina had no suspicion that anything was wrong.
Zmierzyliśmy długość pokoju linijką.
We measured the _______ of the room with a ruler.
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We measured the length of the room with a ruler.
John wygrał medal za odwagę.
John won a medal for bravery.
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John won a medal for bravery...
Patrzenie ciągle w lustro to przykład próżności.
Looking in the mirror all the time is an example of _______.
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Looking in the mirror all the time is an example of vanity.
Czy myślisz, że masz zdolność zdania tego testu?
Do you think you have the _______ to pass this test?
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Do you think you have the ability to pass this test?

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