Women in the workplace

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Domanda Risposta
advance (verb.)
"Technology is advancing very quickly." "You have to advance 100 dollars if you want to stay at our hotel."
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poszuwać się naprzód, rozwijać czynić postępy, płacić z góry
go up
Many women are tired of being given unimportant tasks as they see their male colleagues go up the corporate career ladder
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iść w górę, wzrastać, drożeć
Hear about the women questioning the kinds of jobs expected from them.
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pytający, badawczy, kwestionować
glass ceiling (eg barrier. before promotion)
an invisible barrier to advancing in your career
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(np. bariera. przed promocją)
non-promotable tasks
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unimportant and time-consuming jobs which helps a worker’s organisation but do nothing to advance their career
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wypalić się; exhaustion caused by working too hard
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żonglerka; trying to manage your job or life when you are involved in several different activities which all demand your time
move up
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awansować, robić miejsce, przesuwac się
In many workplaces around the world, it’s the men who are considered ‘born leaders’ and promoted up the corporate career ladder, while the women are given less important roles.
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rozważać, uważać (coś za coś), traktować, uznawać
referred to
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o którym mowa
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take on
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zatrudniać, przyjmowac nabywac, rywalizować
... jobs that take time and effort but do little to increase company profits or to boost your career.
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zwiększać, pobudzać
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wypłaty tygodniowe
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rozwój / polepszenie
contributes to
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Przyczynia się do
trainee solicitor
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aplikant adwokacki
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zdarzyć się
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popyt, żądać, wymagać

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