Wielkie Frazale - Cut

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zgasnąć (np. silnik)
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cut out
The engine cut out and I can't fix it.
zredukować coś (np. hałas)
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cut down something
He needs peace to write his novel, so he wears earmuffs to cut the noise down.
odcinać (np. wodę), wyłączać (np. ogrzewanie)
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cut off
The water in my house has been cut off, because I forgot to pay the bill.
przerywać (komuś), wcinać się (w rozmowę), wchodzić w słowo
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cut off
Stop cutting me off, you're annoying me!
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cut off
She cut off her unfaithful husband.
odciąć coś, odcinać coś (np. suche pędy)
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cut something away
The gardener was cutting the withered leaves away.

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