Why do people commit crimes?

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Do they commit crimes deliberately or rather accidentally and unintentionally?
the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents, especially in relation to the effect that this has on how you behave and make moral decisions:
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They are not given a strict religious upbringing in a home with Christian values
a quicker way of doing something in order to save time or effort
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They treat crime as a shortcut to wealth
to start to do or use something bad, especially because you are unhappy:
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turn to
Bored youngsters turn to crime to bring fun and excitement to their lives.
If someone has a ... to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it:
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They acquire criminal tendencies from their family and environment.
a condition in which part of your body or mind has been permanently damaged or does not work normally. This word is now considered offensive by many people, who prefer the word disability:
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It's the effect of mental handicap.
a sudden, uncontrolled period of doing something or feeling something:
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They can't exercise self-control and do things in a fit of temper.
displays ostentatiously, shows off
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Sara Connors is a rock star who flaunts her wealth
to enter a building illegally and steal things:
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her house was burgled and her whole summer wardrobe was stolen.
unable to be explained or understood:
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For some inexplicable reason, her other clothes and jewellery were left intact.
to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened:
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he was implicated in the burglary.
(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation:
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