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I have this internal feeling.
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to whistle
do NOT pronounce T in whistle
zarabiać na życie
Jak zarabiasz na życie? (NiV)
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to make a living
She makes her living teaching. (NiV)
How do you make a living?
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a championship
the world championship
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a throat
I whistle from my throat.
najleprzy "gwizdacz"; D na świecie
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the best whistler in the world
do not pronounce T in whistler
do not say: on the world
rudzik (ptak)
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a robin
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a quarrel
kłócić się
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to have a quarrel
I always have a little quarrel with a robin.
wyprowadzać psa
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to walk your/the dog
do not say: to walk with the dog
rozpalać w kominku
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to light a fireplace
mieć świadomość czegoś
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to be aware of doing sth
I'm not really aware of doing it.
Jestem wyjątkiem.
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I'm an exception.

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