What... for?

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Na co czekacie?
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What are you waiting for?
Kim jest facet z którym będziemy rozmawiać?
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Who is the guy we'll be talking to?
Po co muszą iść?
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What do they need to go for?
Budynek w którym się urodziłam jest bardzo stary
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The building (which) I was born in is very old.
Stół o którym myśłałem nie będzie potrzebny.
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The table (which) I was thinking about won't be needed.
Osoba o której opowiadasz już tutaj nie pracuje.
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The person (who) you're talking about doesn't work here anymore.
Po co tam leziesz?
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What are you going there for?
Z kim będziecie pili?
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Who are you going to drink with?
Z kim tańczyła?
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Who did she dance with?
Kto z nią tańczył?
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Who danced with her?

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