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Mark, what are you going to do with the lottery money?
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Mark, what are you going to do with the lottery money?
I'm going to plan an amazing family vacation.
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I'm going to plan an amazing family vacation.
I want to take my wife and kids to an exotic place.
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I want to take my wife and kids to an exotic place.
It's going to be a surprise.
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It's going to be a surprise.
Are you going to buy a new car?
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Are you going to buy a new car?
Not now, because our family car is very new,
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Not now, because our family car is very new,
but I'm going to buy a really nice bike for my son,
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but I'm going to buy a really nice bike for my son,
He loves riding bikes.
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He loves riding bikes.
Are you going to buy a new bike for your daughter too?
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Are you going to buy a new bike for your daughter too?
No, she doesn't like bikes
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No, she doesn't like bikes
I'm going to buy new furniture for her room.
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I'm going to buy new furniture for her room.
She'll love that.
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She'll love that.

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