Week 5 Logic of Quantified statments

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Domanda English Risposta English
what is a predicate?
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A predicate (or propositional function) is a statement containing one or more variables. If values from a given set (domain) are assigned to all the variables, the resulting statement is a proposition.
what are quantifies?
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words that refer to quantities such as "some" or "all"
what is the symbol for Universal quantifier?
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Explain universla quantifier
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The symbol ∀ (an upside-down A) is called the universal quantifer; the meaning is for all (for each)
What is the symbol for Existential quantifier
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explain Existential quantifier
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there exists
Write in shorthand the following: For a predicate p(x) with domain D the statement "for every x from domain D, p(x)"
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∀x ∈ D p(x)
Write in shorthand the following: For a predicate p(x) with domain D the statement "there exists an x from the domain D such that p(x)"
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∃x ∈ D, p(x)

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