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weather {ˈweðəʳ}
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the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area
The weather in the mountains can change very quickly, so take appropriate clothing.
cool {ku: l} (quite cold)
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temperature in between warm and cold
chilly {ˈtʃɪli}
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unplesantly cold
freezing {ˈfri: zɪŋ}
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extremely cold
mild {maɪld}
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pleasant and not cold
We've had a mild winter this year.
boiling {ˈbɔɪlɪŋ}
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common expression for describing a very hot day
Can I open a window? It's boiling in here.
humid {ˈhju: mɪd}
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a bit wet but not raining / hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
New York is very hot and humid in the summer.
damp {dæmp}
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raining lightly / something that is damp is slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way or when it should be dry a cold damp basement room
shower {ˈʃaʊəʳ,}
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quick/light rainstorm
drizzle {ˈdrɪzl̩}
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rain in very small, light drops
A light drizzle was falling.
breeze {bri: z}
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a light wind
A cold breeze was blowing hard.
hail {heɪl}
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small pieces of ice that fall during a storm
The hail melted once the sun came out.
heatstroke {ˈhiːt. strəʊk}
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a condition that can lead to death, caused by being too long in a very hot place
What kind of symptom heatstroke have?
icy {ˈaɪsi}
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slippery because of ice
It's no joke driving on icy roads
overcast {ˈəʊ. və. kɑːst}
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with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny
The sky/weather was overcast.
raindrop {ˈreɪn. drɒp}
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a single drop of rain
The raindrops have left spots on the windows.
Celsius {ˈselsiəs}
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the Celsius scale of temperature
Shall I give you the temperature in Celsius or in Fahrenheit?
forecast {ˈfɔ: kɑ: st,}
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the expected weather for the future
The weather forecast says there will be rain.
soar {sɔ:ʳ}
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to rise very quickly to a high level
Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.

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