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trekking in the mountains
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trekking w górach
mountain shelter / shalet
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schronisko górskie
He runs the company.
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On prowadzi firmę.
a boarding school
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szkoła z internatem
a dormitory
Many students decide to live in dormitories because it's cheaper than renting your own flat.
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Wielu studentów decyduje się na mieszkanie w akademiku ponieważ jest ono tańsze niż własne mieszkanie.
with sight impediment / with speech impediment
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z zaburzeniami wzroku / z zaburzeniami mowy
good relations
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dobre stosunki
a rubber circle
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gumowy okrąg
to grab
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mild / aggressive
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łagodny / agresywny
a squirrel
The children were feeding peanuts to the squirrel.
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Dzieci karmiły wiewiórkę orzeszkami.
a hamster
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a guinea pig
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kawia domowa (świnka morska)
a fine
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mandat, grzywna
a penalty
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the Prime Minister
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our government consist of MPs
the house is built of stone
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nasz rząd składa się z deputowanych
dom jest zbudowany z kamienia

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