Vocabulary pt 1

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Pay is a very important criterion for job satisfaction.
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When employing new staff, you need to be very clear about your selection criteria.
spełnić kryteria
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meet the criteria
There are any number of ways you can meet these criteria.
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I quit the army, because I couldn't meet the general's requirements.
nalegać na zrobienie czegoś
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insist on doing something
I don't know why you insist on talking about it.
pochwała, chwalić
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praise, to praise
He was highly praised for his research on heart disease. They deserve praise for all their hard work.
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The state of my father's health concerns us greatly.
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The boss dismissed his idea because it would be too expensive.
budzić obawę
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raise a concern
Board members have raised concerns about each of the five.
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There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.
budzić wątpliwości
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raise doubts
This latest scandal has raised doubts about whether he could win the election.
mieć wątpliwości co do czegoś
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have doubts about something
I'm having doubts about his ability to do the job. If there's any doubt about the rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch.
spełniać wymogi
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meet the requirements
If you don't meet the requirements, you won't get the permission.
pierwszy z wymienionych, dawny, były
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the former
Having mentioned the two main issues of this case, I would like to focus on the former.
ten drugi, ten ostatni (np. z wymienionych osób)
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the latter, the latter (e.g. from the persons mentioned)
We have elected the new president and prime minister, the latter being a subordinate of the former.
zgodnie z
To moja rola, aby wszystko poszło zgodnie z planem.
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according to
It's my job to make sure everything goes according to plan.
móc, być w stanie coś zrobić
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be able to do something
She said you might be able to help us.
z wyprzedzeniem, z góry
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in advance, in advance
Did you check in advance whether the venue was wheelchair-accessible?
płatność zaliczkowa
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advance payment
Then I'll give you an advance payment on our account.
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an invoice
I always receive an invoice at the end of a month.
harmonogram płatności
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payment schedule
But yesterday the company contacted us saying the payment schedule had not been met.
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I need some advice on which computer to buy.
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to admit
You must admit he is a strange person.
klimatyzacja (urządzenie)
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air conditioning (device)
There was no air conditioning and it was very hot in the building.
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zgoda / pozwolenie
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We can start! I've just received official approval.
w porównaniu z
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compared with/compared to/in comparison with/in comparison to
I compared myself with her, and found we were different.
ogólnie rzecz biorąc, biorąc wszystko pod uwagę
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all in all/all things considered
I think the party was great, all things considered - I mean we didn't have much time to get ready, but it still went well.
All in all, Tom is a good employee.
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This plant needs only a small quantity of water.
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We pay more attention to quantity than quality.
nadmiar, nadwyżka
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excess, surplus
I always have to pay fare for luggage excess when coming back from holidays.
zwracać uwagę na coś
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pay attention to something
You have to pay attention to every detail, big or small.
skupić się na czymś
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focus on something
You need to focus on studying now. Exams are coming.
poza czymś, pomijając coś
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apart from something/ except for something
Apart from the price, this trip was awesome! Except for the price, this trip was awesome!
ocenić szkodę
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assess the damage
I was not in a position to assess the possible damage.
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to ensure
This deal ensures three weeks of vacation for everyone.
upewnić się
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make sure/to ensure
We must ensure that everyone is playing the game by the same rules. We must make sure that everyone is playing the game by the same rules.
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Her parents fear for her safety.
obawy o bezpieczeństwo
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safety concerns/concerns for safety
Due to safety concerns, special care should be taken when using exclusively recovered wood.
Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing.
ze względu na
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due to
The match had to be cancelled due to the rain.
względy bezpieczeństwa
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safety concerns/safety reasons
Due to safety concerns, special care should be taken when using exclusively recovered wood.
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to suspend
The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
odwołać spotkanie
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to cancel a meeting
State officials recently canceled a meeting to discuss the request.
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to avoid
I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays - they're always so busy.
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to prove
They knew that he did it but they couldn't prove it.
udowodnić swoją rację
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to prove my point
To prove my point, look at all the evidence I've gathered.
wyciąg bankowy
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Bank statement
I receive a bank statement every month.
popsuć się
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to break down
The photocopier is always breaking down.
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These headphones are defective and I want to return them.
We have replaced the faulty part in your stereo player.

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