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zamożny x3 / zamożni ludzie, bogaci ludzie inizia ad imparare
affluent, wealthy, well-off/ the affluent
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a lot of backbiting goes on in our office. Don't trust these people.
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You stole my brilliant ideas. You're just a copycat!
łupież/ szampon przeciwłupieżowy inizia ad imparare
dandruff / anti-dandruff shampoo
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The error was caught by an eagle-eyed bank employee.
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fair-weather friend, false friend
przyjść na przyjęcie bez zaproszenia / nieproszony gość inizia ad imparare
Although he didn't receive any invitation, he decided to gatecrash the wedding
zadzierający nosa, snobistyczny inizia ad imparare
can you hear what that hoity-toity creature is saying? She said she won't sleep in a dorm.,
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przechodzić przez ulicę w niedozwolonym miejscu / nieuważny pieszy / sójka inizia ad imparare
jaywalk / jaywalker / jay I got a fine because I decided to jaywalk. That wasn't a good idea at all.
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Next time you have to be more assertive and say don't jump the queue
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a merry-go-round - American English /roundabout - British English Turn left at the first roundabout.
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In the end, the Beast turns back into a namby-pamby prince.
wszechmocny, wszechmogący inizia ad imparare
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zazdrość, zawiść / zazdrość (o inną osobę) / zazdrość inizia ad imparare
sour grapes jealousy envy I don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it It was a case of jealousy. I used to look at people in restaurants with envy.
oniemiały / zapomnieć języka w gębie / Zapomniałeś języka w gębie? Mowę ci odjęło? inizia ad imparare
tongue-tied, be tongue-tide /Cat got your tongue? Lost your tongue? I was completely tongue-tied during my last job interview. What's a shame
niekontrolowany rozrost miast inizia ad imparare
We drove through miles of urban sprawl before we finally got out into the countryside.
lusterko przed siedzeniem pasażera inizia ad imparare
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It is said that yawning is contagious
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It's a wonderful to see the children's zest for life.
robić w bambuko, wykiwać, wykołować, bałamucić potocznie inizia ad imparare
wypasiony, świetny American English potocznie inizia ad imparare
narzucać coś komuś, nałożyć coś na kogoś, inizia ad imparare
zarozumiały x2 / bardzo zarozumiały i próżny inizia ad imparare
conceited, big-headed / conceited as a barber's cat My friend became as conceited as a barber's cat after she won the award at school.
zawiły, skomplikowany / wyrafinowany, wyszukany inizia ad imparare
intricate, intricate/sophisticated,
zabawny, komiczny not funny inizia ad imparare
The film was absolutely hilarious. You should read this book - it's hilarious.
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hilarious, hilarious, hilarious
fatalny, katastrofalny, zgubny inizia ad imparare
disastrous effects, disastrous consequences
niesamowity, fantastyczny, wspaniały inizia ad imparare