Vocabulary 7

 0    18 schede    julasia_1905
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Count on / rely on
In our business dealings, we can count on our reliable suppliers for timely deliveries
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Particularly /In particular
Particularly in our internal meetings, we need to emphasize teamwork and collaboration
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Particularly in our internal meetings, we need to emphasize teamwork and collaboration
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External zewnętrzny External factors such as market fluctuations can impact our quarterly projections
Dołączyć do kogoś / czegoś
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Join sb / sth
Join us for the conference call tomorrow to recap the latest project updates
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Recap / recapitulation
Let's start the meeting with a quick recap of last week's progress
podkreślić, akcentować, położyć nacisk
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We should emphasize the significance of customer feedback in improving our services
w skrócie, krótko mówiąc
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In a nutshell
I will give you a brief overview of the project's progress in a nutshell
powiadomić kogoś o czymś
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Fill sb in on sth
Let me fill you in on the new company policies before we go on to discuss the upcoming projects
Przejść do
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Go on to
After addressing the current challenges, we can go on to discuss potential solutions
rozpocząć czymś
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Start by doing sth
It's important to start by doing thorough research before expanding on our marketing strategy
rozwijać coś
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Expand on / elaborate on
During the meeting, please expand on the challenges we're facing with our internal processes
informować kogoś na bieżąco
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Bring sb up to date on Bring sb up to date with
The external audit will bring us up to date on our financial compliance status
powtórzyć coś
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Run through sth Run over sth
Can you run through the agenda quickly? We're pressed for time
mieć mało czasu
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Be pushed for time Be pressed for time
We're really pushed for time, so let's get straight to the point and recap the action items
rozpocząć czymś
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Kick off by
Kick off the presentation by summarizing the key points
Odbiec od tematu
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Get carried away
Before we get carried away with brainstorming, let's recap the main objectives of the project
wiązać się z
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Tie in with
The marketing campaign needs to tie in with our brand values to ensure consistency

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