Vocabulary 15

 0    12 schede    julasia_1905
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uosabiać, reprezentować
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Our new sustainability initiative embodies our commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting green practices within the industry.
ominąć, pominąć
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By using innovative online tools, we can bypass traditional retail channels and sell directly to our customers
wykorzystywać, wyzyskiwać
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The company plans to exploit new market opportunities in Asia to drive growth and expand its global presence.
Podatny na, odsłonięty, trudny do obrony
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vulnerable TO
Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to economic downturns and need to have robust contingency plans in place.
wada, skaza, niedoskonałość
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The team identified a critical flaw in the software that could potentially expose user data to security breaches.
nieskazitelny, doskonały
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Our customer service team handled the complaints flawlessly, ensuring that all clients were satisfied.
wąskie gardło
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To increase production efficiency, we need to address the bottleneck caused by the outdated machinery in the assembly line.
oburzający, skandaliczny
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The consultant's fee was considered outrageous, prompting the company to seek alternative expertise within budget.
zbierać pieniądze
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raise money
Startups often raise money through venture capital firms to fund their initial growth and development.
obszerny, rozległy
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The CEO highlighted the vast opportunities available in emerging markets, encouraging the team to explore new ventures.
1. przyczyna, powód 2. sprawa, cel
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It's all for the cause. (Wszystko dla dobra sprawy.)
wzrastać, nasilać się
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There was a surge in online sales during the holiday season, significantly boosting the company's quarterly revenue.

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