Virginia Evans II 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
fall aprt
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break into pieces 2 (plan/attempt/etc) end in failure 3 have an emotional breakdown
fall back on something
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resort to a previous plan/reserve supply
fall for sb
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1 be deceived by sb/sth 2 become infatuated with sb
fall into
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belong to 2 begin to do as a habit/routine
fall in with
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become part of a group 2 accept/join sth
go against
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oppose/contradict sth
go down
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1 become lower/fall 2 be accepted/received
go down as
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be rembered/regarded as
go in for
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enter sth 2 have sth as an interest/hobby
go up
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go up to
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approach sb and talk to them 2 reach as far as a certain point/level
go with
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1 match/suit/accompany sth 2 be part of sth/ included with sth
go out
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have a romantic relationship with
get on
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have a friendly relationship
split up
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end a reliationship/partnership
figure out
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reach an understanding of sth
cut sb off
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stop a conversation by interrupting sb
ask sb out
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invite sb on a date
get over sb
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recover from sth
ran into sb
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meet sb by chance
patch sth up
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repair sth/resolve one's differences with sb
make up
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become friends with somebody after a quarrel
buy sth on credit
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buy something with the promise of paying for it later,
by courtesy of someone
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someone has provided it
in the guise of
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looking like sb
with a view to doing sth
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you do it because you hope it will result in that other thing being done
do sth at the cost of
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by giving up or hurting (something else)
crash with sb/sth
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collided with something
flirt with somebody
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talk cheekily with someone
count on somebody for sth
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to depend on someone
eject out of sth
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to force someone to leave a particular place
to spy on sb/sth for sb/sth
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to follow somebody
subsist on sth
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to use (something) as a way to stay alive
isolate sb/sth from sb/sth else
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to keep someone in a place away from other people
elope with sb
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escape with sb
barter sth for sth else
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scold sb for doing sth
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​to speak angrily to somebody, especially a child, because they have done something wrong
in response to, in answer to
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as a reply/solution/reaction to sth
with reference to, with regard to, with respect to
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about/concerning/in connection with sth
point out
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draw (sb's) attention to sth
in proportion to
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relative to
in addition to
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as well as sth else
on a visit to
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in a place/area by arrangement to see sb/sth
doing research into
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study/experiment/etc to discover facts about sth
in succession
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following one after the other without interruption
dismiss sb from sth
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to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong
to mould sb/sth into sth else
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to strongly influence the way someone's character, opinions
to direct sth at sb
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to aim something in a particular direction
to mistake sb/sth with sb else
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to confuse someone or something with a different person or thing
to experiment on sb/sth
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to try out sth on sb
entice sb away from sb/sth
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to attract someone to a particular place
expel sb/sth from sth
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to throw out sb from sw
fraternise with sb
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you associate with them in a friendly way
to gloat about sth
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to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction
to discharge sb from sth
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to give somebody official permission to leave
let down
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disappoint sb who is expecting sth
beside himself with
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be overwhelmed by a strong emotion
put sb down
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publicly criticise sb
take after
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resemble sb/sth in appearance/character
look down on
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regard sb as inferior, treat sb with contempt
put sb off
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discourage sb from liking/doing sth
fell in with
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begin to keep company with a (usu. bad) group
bring up
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raise a child
bounce back
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recover from failure/illness
to deter
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buy sth on approval
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you can send it back within a particular time if you are not satisfied with it
by auction
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a public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder
by the light of
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przy świetle
despaired of sth
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To lose all hope for something or someone
out of favour
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people no longer like or support them
get in debt
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to owe sb money
be in difficulties
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have some problems
tell by a glance
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know and understand almost immediately
in command of
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having complete control of
discourage sb from doing sth
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to try to prevent something or to prevent someone from doing something
harmonise with sb/sth
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to blend with someone or something musically
compete with sb
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to contend against someone
interfere with something
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to stop or slow (something)
suffer from sth
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to endure or experience unpleasantness, a disease, or a health condition.
qualify for sth
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to be eligable for sth
to live with sb/ sth
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to share a home with someone
communicate with ab
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to talk to sb
adhere to sth
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to act in the way that is required by
to prey on sb/sth
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to hunt and kill (something), to hurt, cheat, or steal from (someone)
take over
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be in charge/responsible when sb else stops
shake up
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radically reorganise sth
take up
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use/occupy sth
draw up
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prepare/design/write sth
sit in on
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attend sth as an observer
go through
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read/check sth carefully
kick out
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force sb to leave a job/club
step down
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voluntarily retire/resign from a job/position
put up with
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accept/endure sth willingly
go on
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talk about sth repeatedly

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