Virginia Evans

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bolt down
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eat sth very quickly
bomb along
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travel very fast
butt in
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interrupt sb
on the run from
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try to avoid being captured by sb
dispose of
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throw sth away
gain on
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get nearer to sth
congregate around
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gather round sth/sb
butt in
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at odds with
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be very different to sth
face up to
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accept sth
let down
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lower sth/sb; cause sb to be disappointed
let in
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allow/enable sb/sth to enter
let off
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excuse sb from punishment/duty; allow sb to leave a vehicle; cause sth to explode
let out
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allow sb/sth to leave a room/building; make sth wider; offer sth for rent/ hire
let up
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stop, become less in intensity/force
set aside
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keep sth for a future purpose; discontinue sth for a period of time
set off
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begin a journey
set off
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cause sth to start; cause sth to explode
set out
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arrange or display sth
set out for
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leaave one place to go to another
set out on
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leave at the start of a journey
set out to
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intend to dos th
set up
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start sth
at a discount
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na przecenie
done up
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restore/redecorate sth
make out
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understand/ see sth with difficulty
wake up to
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become aware of sth
clamm up
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refuse to say anything
crack up
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have a nervous breakdown
chalk up
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achieve sth
make out
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make out
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understand/ see sth with difficulty; write/complete sth
make up
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become friend again after a quarrel
make up
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invent sth; repay sth lost/owed
make up
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complete sth, be part of a whole
make up for
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compensate for sth
get down
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move to a lower position
get down
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make sb feel depressed
get down to
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start giving one's attention to sth
get in/ into
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enter a place/vehicle; arrive at a destination
get in/into
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gain(sb's) admission to place/event
get out of
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leave/escape from a place
get out of
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avoid punishment/unpleasant duty
get out of
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gain sth from sb/sth
get up to
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reach as far as; do sth
with no prior warning
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at a moment's notice
do sth on empty stomach
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robić coś będąc głodnym
notorious at sth
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exempt from
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zwolniony z
get by
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manage/cope, although with difficulty
held up
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delay sth
going along
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make progress, develop
booked up
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be full(have no more vacancies)
on the dot
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at the double
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right away
gone off
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sto liking sth/sb
settle up
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pay what one owes
wash up
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do the dishes
tot up
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add figures to find the total
nibble at
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eat sth in several small bites
gulp down
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drink sth very quickly
pick at
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eat small amounts in an uniteresting way
clear away
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put sth away after losing it
adjacent to sth
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beside sth
coincide with sth
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happens to occur at the same time
in aid of
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żeby pomóc
get away
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depart after difficulties/delay; escape from danger/capture
get away with
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do sth wrong and escape punishment
get by
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manage/cope, despite difficulty; move past an obstacle
get on
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succeed in sth; make progress, develop
get on (with)
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be friendly with sth; continue with sth
get over
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recover from illness/disappointment
turn down
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reduce level of; refuse an offer/invitation
turn into
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change direction to enter sth; change form, becoming sth new
turn out
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(unexpected result) happen/be revealed
turn out
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switch off; make sb leave
turn to
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ask sb for help/advice
turn up
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arrive/occur/be found inexpectedly
turn up
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increase level of sth
cut back
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cut down
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make sth fall by chopping; reduce the size of sth
cut down on
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do sth less
cut off
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remove part of sth with a knife; interrupt sb/sth; stop a supply/service
cut off from
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separate sb/sth from sth
cut out
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remove sth from inside sth
cut out
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stop working
go along
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progress or develop; visit/attend a place/meeting
go along with
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agree with/accept sth
go off
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stop fail; explode, make a sudden noise; start to decay; run away
go off
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stop liking sth/sb
go on
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talk repeatedly about sth; start; be spent on sth
go on
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judge according to
get round to
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find time to do sth
grind away at
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work hard at sth
hang around
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wait doing nothing
impose on sb
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take impolite advantage of sb'kidness
taken in
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decived, tricked, fooled
on the level
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be dishonest
be engrossed in something
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be totally fascinated by
slip up
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make a mistake
crops up
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appears unexpectedly
pluck up
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gather sth(courage) together
call in
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visit sb briefly during a journey
be subjected to
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be exposed to sth
measure up to
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reach a particular level
felt up to
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feel strongly enough to do sth
bow to
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submit to/ comply with sth
on a par with
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just as good as
to judge from sth
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oceniać przez wzgląd na coś
go ahead
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proceed with sth
go away
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leave for a time, dissapear/fade
go over
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review, spend more than a certain limit
go over to
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visit sb at home
go through
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be approved
go through
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read sth and check it carefully
go under
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fail, be bankrupt
go under
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pass beneath sth
take down
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make a note of sth
take in
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fully understand sth; deceive sb; make clothing narrower
take out
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arrange to get sth, remove sth from a fixed position
take up
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use/occupy (time space attention); shorten clothing; begin a new duty, job, hobby; accept an offer, invitation
call at
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briefly stop at; visit a place on one's route
call for
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arrive to collect sth; require sth; demand sth publicly
call in
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pay a short visit
call off
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cancel a planned event
call on
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visit sb at their office; invite sb to do sth
call out
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call out
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ask sb to come to help
pass by
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go past on the way to sw else
pass down
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give sth to sb younger
pass for
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be accepted as/ mistaken for sb/ sth else
pass on
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send sth from person to person
pass out
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los consciousness
pass over
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move above sth on the way to sw else
pass sth over
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disregard/ not choose sb/sth
pass round
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give sth to each person in turn
pass through
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travel through on the way to sw else
pass up
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choose not to use
pride yourself on
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take satisfaction in
do up
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wear out
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stitch up
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sew sth together
at the bottom of
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base one's conclusion on the evidence of sth
bore out
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support/prove a prediction with evidence
go back to something
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return to; have origins/a tradition beginning in
go into
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examine or discuss sth in detail; collide with sb/sth; choose sth as a career
go out
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stop burning or shining; be announced/published
go out to
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travel to a faraway place
go out with
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have a romantic relationship with sb
go without
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endure the lack of sth
bring along
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bring sb/sth with one
bring around
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persuade sb to change their opinion; cause/help sb to regain consciousness; bring sb/sth to sb's home/office; change the direction of sth
bring down
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cause sb/sth to fail; reduce price/level of sth
bring forward
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arrange for sth to take place earlier than originally planned
bring on
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cause sth to begin
do away with
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get rid of sth permanently; kill sb/sth
do for
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be suitable/good enough for sth
be done for
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be ruined/worn out
do out of
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prevent sb from doing/having sth
do up
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fasten; repair/improve sth; make oneself more beautiful
do with
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need to use/have
do without
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continue despite lacking sth
put off
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dissuade sb from doing/liking sb/sth; postpone sth; distract sb who is trying to concentrate
put on
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dress oneself in sth; organise/present sth; place sth on top of sth else
put out
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extinguish sth; place sth on display/for use; cause sb/oneself inconvenience
be put out
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feel annoyed/upset/insulted

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