Virginia Evans 2 I

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Domanda English Risposta English
bring about
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cause sth to happen
bring back
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recall sb/sth 2. cause sth to exist again
bring sth home to sb
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make make sb fully aware of sth
bring in
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earn/produce money/profit
bring on
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cause sb sth (usu. unpleasant)
bring out
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produce/release sth (e.g. new book)
bring up
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1. raise a child 2. introduce a subject for discussion
bring within
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cause sth to fail within limits
look after
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be responsible for sb/sth
look ahead
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consider the future
look back
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think about the past
look beyond
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consider long-term results rather than the immediate problems
look down on sb
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have a poor opinion of sb/sth
look for
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hope to get sth
look forward to
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expect to enjoy sth
look on
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watch sth, without doing anything
look up
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search for information about sth
look up to
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admire/respect sb/sth
churn in
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produce sth
set out to
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intend to do sth, start one's attempt to achieve sth
take out
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arrange/apply to get sth (e.g. insurance)
set out to
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start travelling, as part of a journey
bore out
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support/prove a prediction/claim/etc with evidence
do without
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manage/live/etc despite not having sth
cut out
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exclude sth (usu. unhealthy) from one's diet/routine
put out
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extinguish sth
set off for
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start travelling towards a destination
credited with
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give sb recoginition/praise for sth
sought after
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desire sth, make great efforts to get sth
work on
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concentrate one's effort on sth
in the middle of
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half-way through sth, during the process of sth
killed off
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completely destroy something
derive from
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evolve/develop sth from earlier origin
attributed to
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believe sth to have been created/caused by sb
revolve around
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have sth as its central/only concern
grounded in
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develop on a base/foundation of sth else
look up to
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admire/ respect sb
to lecture on sth
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to talk about sth
convince sb of
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to persuade sb
plead over sb
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to make a statement of what you believe to be true, especially in support of something or someone
revert to doing sth
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to go back to how something was before
strive for
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to try hard to do something or make something happen,
a covering letter
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list motywacyjny
wind up
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bring sth to an end
slow down
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reduce speed
weigh up
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consider opposing aspects of sth carefully
close down
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cause sth to cease trading
with effect from
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starting applying for the first time from
set down
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record sth officially in writing
stop off
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stay sw briefly on one's journey to anothr place
put out
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issue/publish/release sth
psyched out
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cause sb to lose confidence
boxed in
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surround sb/sth on all sides, preventing movement
pick up
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increase/gain sth steadily
shoot past
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move past sb/sth at high speed
pit against
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place sb/sth in direct competition with sb/sth else
pull out
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suddenly withdraw from sth
build on
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use initial success/ progress to achieve sth further
pul sth off
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manage to achieve sth very difficult
wind up
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bring sth to an end
type up
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make a typed copy of sth
print off
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make a printed copy of sth
pass on
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receive sth from sb and give/send it to sb else
keep sth for a special purpose
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keep sth for a special purpose
put down
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supply facts/information in writing
leave out
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not include sb/sth
pick up on
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notice/discover sth
track down
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find sth by following a series of clues/references
show off
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attract attention to sth one is proud of
put by
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save sth for later use
put down
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record sth in writing2. kill an animal which is injured/suffering 3. criticise sb cruelly
put up
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1. erect/construct sth 2. supply/provide sth 3. increase the level/price of sth 4. [provide sb with accomodation
put up with
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tolerate sth unpleasant/ inconvienient
break away
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leave/get free from sb/sth
break down
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stop working 2. divide sth into small parts for analysis
break into
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enter by force
break off
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separate part of sth from the rest, end sth abruptly
break out
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begin/appear suddenly 2. escape by force
break up
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divide sth into smaller parts/portions
the hard shoulder
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a hardened strip alongside a motorway for stopping on in an emergency.
in degrees
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little by little
to despair of doing sth
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To lose all hope for something or someone
abide by sth (phr v)
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to accept or obey an agreement
glisten with something
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to sparkle or shimmer with something.
take on
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accept sb as an employee
take up
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immediately like sb/sth
laid off
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cease to employ sb, due to a lack of work
put up sth
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provide/supply sth
deal with
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attend to/handle sth
get on
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make progress
get up
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get out of bed
clock in and out
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put a card into a machine to show the time one arrives for work/leaves work
benefit from
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gain an advantage/profit
churn out
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produce a large quantity of sth
drawn to
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be strongly attracted to
pour in
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arrive quickly and in large numbers
be out of keeping with
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not appropriate/very different to sth
by dint of
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by means of
by all accounts
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according to what one has heard or read.
prevail over
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win over sth
enlist in
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enrol or be enrolled in the armed services.
derive from
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base a concept on an extension or modification of (another concept)
dwell on
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to think or talk about (something) for a long time
give away a secret
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1. accidentally give sb an advantage 2. give sth free of charge 3. reveal a secret
give in (to)
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submit (to sb/sth) after trying not to
give in
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deliver sth(usu. to autrhorities)
give off
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emit sth
give out
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distribute/supply sth
give up
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stop an unsucccessful attempt to do sth
give up
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1 stop doing/having sth 2 allow someone else to have sth 3 surrender
pull away
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move away from sb/sth
pull in
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arrive(bus train)
pull off
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manage to achieve sth difficult
pull out
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move aside from the side of the road
pull out (of)
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withdraw from something
pull through
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survive danger/illness and recover
pull up
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come to a stop
pull over
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stop a vehicle at the side of the road
hot up
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become more interesting, exciting
put together
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assemble/form a group/collection of sth
fall behind
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accidentally allow one's opponent to gain an advantage
hit back
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retaliate, counterattack
hemmed in
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enclose sb/sth tightly, not allow to move freely
give away
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make less progress than somebody/sth else
put down to
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believe/claim sth to be the cause of sth
go back to
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return to a place/position where one was before
psych up
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prepare sb/oneself for sth difficult
rank among
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have a position within/ as one of a group
thrive on
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be stimulated/inspired by sth
hit on
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suddenly find/think of sth
come about
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happen as a result
improve on
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achieve a better result than before
cut down on
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reduce use/consumption of sth
call off
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cancel/suspend sth
sit on
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delay further action concerning sth
get away with
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escape punishment for sth
concentrate on
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fix one's attention on sth
in revenge for
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in retaliation for sth (harm...) sb has caused one
don't add up
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they make you confused about a situation because they do not seem to be consistent
sit about
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be idle, do nothing
sit back
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relax and take no part in sth/offer no help
sit for
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pose for an artist/photographer
sit in for
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act as a temporary replacement for sb
sit in on
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attend a meeting/etc as an observer
sit on
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1 delay dealing with something 2 be a member of a committee
sit up
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pull oneself up into a sitting position2 suddenly begin to pay attention
come about
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hapen as a result (usu. by chance)
come across (as)
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give the impression of being/be seen as sth one is not
come accross
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find/ encounter sth by chance
come along
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hurry up
come up
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1 be mentioned in discussion 2 arise occur
come up (to)
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1 approach sb/sth 2 reach a level
come back (to)
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be remembered again/ return to sth/sw
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in the guise of
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disguised as
scolded sb for sth
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be reprimended for sth by sb
chase after
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pursue sb/sth
lock sb up
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imprison sb, keep sb/sth in a locked place
assist sb with
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help sb with sth
take down
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write down what sb says
pin sth on ab
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make sb(usu. innocent) appear guilty of sth
on the face of it
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apparently, before examining sth closely
pin down
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discover exact details about sth
be in the dark about sth
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ignorant/unaware of what is happening
come accross
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find sth by chance
be at variance with
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be different from eachother
prevail over sth
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to limit sb/sth to sth
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back out from sth
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provide sth for sb
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get sth for sb
entitle sb to sth
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qualify you to sth
coax sb into sth
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persuade sb into sth
consult sb about sth
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get a second opinion about sth
plug in
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connect sth to an electrical socket
switch sth on
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turn on electricity/appliance with a switch
boot up
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load an operating system onto a computer
log on
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gain access to a computer system/program
leave sth alone
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do not disturb/touch/interfere with sth
click on
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press the button on a computer mouse to start a program or function
type in
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use a keyboard to enter information
;eave sth to sb
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rely on sb else to deal with sth
out of kindness
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because one wants to be kind/to help

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