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a belief that you can do things well and that other people resoect you, is an important feature of a happy and successful life
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people who have too much self-confidence
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confident and relaxed even in situations that other people might find difficult
opanowany, zrównoważony
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poised/ self-possessed/ self-assured
He was a remarkably self-possessed a child.
someone who is able to express opinions and ask for what they want in a way that is forceful but not rude
asertywny, stanowczy
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In her role aa manager, she was brisk and assertive.
a person who is confident, charming and sophisticated
grzecznt, uprzejmy
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His urbane charm makes him the perfect guest.
someone who is polite, confident, and relaxed, sometimes in an insincere way
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She was taken in by his suave manner.
people who may have lots of good qualties but thet don’t boast about them
pokorny, skromny
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modest/ humble
someone who tries not to be noticed very much
skromny, bezpretensjonalny
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self-effacing/ unassuming
a person who tries to make their own achievements and qualities seem less impressive
niedoceniający siebie
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We all appreciated his self-deprecating wit.
people with a high opinion of their own abilities
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conceited/ self-important
He is rather conceited to describe yourself as ‘gifted’.
someone who thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words – used to show disapproval
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He seems rather pompous.
wahen someone acts as they are better or more inteligent than the poeople they are talking to
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big-geaded/ cocky/ patronizing/ condescending
She gave a cocky wave as she drove past.

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