verbs object infinitive c.

 0    15 schede    kasiakozlowska5
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he seems to know answer
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offer to
she offered to pick me up to work
sobie pozwolić na
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afford to
i can't afford to buy house
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Maciek claims to worth to saving money
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I deserved to take a rest
nie zrobić czegoś
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fail to do sth
I failed to get new job
żądać, aby zrobić
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demand to do
I demand to repair my toilet
ochotnika do zrobienia czegoś
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volunteer to do sth
I volunteer to clean
dążyć do zrobienia czegoś
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aim to do sth
I aim to save the money for buying my own flat
mają tendencję do
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tend to
Maciek tended to eat more at weekend
Chęć zrobienia /, które
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desire to do/ that
I desire to go somewhere for weekend
odważyli się
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dare to
she dared to open her own business
starać się
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He really strives to make me happy
udało się zrobić czegoś
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manage to do sth
we managed to get the idea how to earn the first million
grożą zrobić czegoś
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threaten to do sth
they threaten to cut off energy

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