verb +prepositions 2

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inizia ad imparare
absent from (school, work, the meeting)
lepszy od
inizia ad imparare
better at (sport than me, maths)
inizia ad imparare
guilty of (wasting time, not listening)
chętny do (zwolennink)
inizia ad imparare
keen on (football, fashion, making models)
późno na
inizia ad imparare
late for (the meeting, work, school)
w przeciwieństwie do
inizia ad imparare
opposed to (this scheme, paying so much)
zadowolona z
inizia ad imparare
satisfied with (the result, what I've done)
podobny do
inizia ad imparare
similar to (my dress, what I saw)
przepraszam za
inizia ad imparare
sorry for (yourself, what I said)
nadaje się do
inizia ad imparare
suitable for (handicapped people, children)
podejrzenie o
inizia ad imparare
suspicion of (strangers, everything he says)
przerażony czymś
inizia ad imparare
terrified of (missing the train, being alone)
okropny w
inizia ad imparare
terrible at (mathematics, spelling)
inizia ad imparare
tired of (this weather, waiting)
brakuje czegoś
inizia ad imparare
short of (money, breath, time)

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