verb phrases

 0    11 schede    ZbigniewStonoga
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być zwolnionym z
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be exempt from
nie wchodzi w rachubę
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be out of the question
Your plan is out of question
nie ma porównania między
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be no comparison between
zastosować w praktyce
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put into practice
caused by someone’s own actions
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be of your own making
the future is in your hands- the speaker said. it is all of your own making what you end up doing in life
być do dyspozycji
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be at one’s disposal
być zaskoczonym
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be taken aback by
nie czyjaś sprawa
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not somebody’s concern
zmiazdzyc, odniesc latwe zwyciestwo
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walk over
I’m not about to let them walk all over me.
nie cierpiec kogos
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to resent sb
to wait until you get what you want
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to hold out for sth
The other side are holding out for a higher price

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