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to cut a long story short
To cut the long story short, I ended up being the chair.
leave a place
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off [drive, go, be, set]
Maria was off to school when the fire broke out.
rozróżnić, dostrzegać różnicę
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tell the difference
You can't tell the difference between the old vase and the new one, can you?
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zagrożenie, groźba
something that may cause harm (a threat)
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Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
learn the basics
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learn the ropes
If you learn the ropes, everything will get easier.
the overall view, the situation as a whole
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the big picture
When you look at the big picture, the company has a chance to grow.
start over, go back to the very first stage
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go back to the drawing board/go back to the square one
He isn't satisfied with the results so we need to go back to the drawing board with the project./ I haven't saved my document and now I have to go back to the square one.
give more effort and do more than it is expected
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go the extra mile
She deserves having been promoted as she always goes the extra mile in working overtime.
stop working on
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call it a day
I'm too exhausted to finish it. Can we call it a day?
something that has little chance of succeeding or happemning
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a long shot
It's a long shot but it'll do my best nevertheless.
according to the rules, a law
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by the book
The teacher insists on doing everything by the book, that's why i said I hate his way of teaching.
to make provisional plans
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pencil sth in
Just in case you're free and willing to join me, I'll pencil you in for 9 am.
in development, coming soon
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in the works
I'm very excited about the new product they have in the works.
negotiate effectively
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drive a hard bargain
I can't believe they agreed to it! You sure do drive a hard bargain!
look at things in the same way, have the same opinion
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on the same page
I'm glad we're on the same page about the politics,

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