
 0    13 schede    juliaaniol1
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what does your best friend look like?
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my best friend has long blonde hair, blue eyes and big lips and her face on oval
what sort things makes you angry
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I'm angry when I argue with my friends or when I miss the bus and when the weather is bad
what do you like most about about your best friend?
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What I like about my best friend is that she's funny
how do you relax?
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I relax when I read a book and when I draw or when I swimming pool
do you Like the place you live in why?
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i like the place where i live because it's quiet and I live with my family
could you describe your room, please?
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my room has white walls and pink accessories. I have a big pink bed and white furniture
would you prefer to live in a big city or a small village? why?
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I prefer to live in the small village because it is quietly than in the big city
whad would your dream house be like?
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I dream of a single-family house with white walls, brown windows and a small garden
would do you like to study aboard? why? why not?
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I don't want to study abroad. I like the Poland a curriculum
do you prefer going to the mountains or the seadside?
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I prefer to go to the seaside because I love swimming and sun oneself
czy możesz powtórzyć?
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can you repeat, please?
czy możesz mówić wolniej?
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can you speak slowly?
how do you study best? on your own or with frends? on total silence or with music on the background?
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i prefer to learn alone because i must have quiet. I always study by myself from my notes in complete silence

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