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adamtargos adamtargos

Uso VocApp da 2709 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 35 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato15 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2025-01-18 22:10:29.

I miei interessi

angielski, inglese

Schede create da me

Quizz 1 - Types of companies
Quizz 2 - Globalisation
Quizz 3 - Corporate strategy & structure
Tłumaczenie zdań/fragmentów
Business news - Independence of Scotland
Quizz 4 - Managing People
Tłumaczenia - test 2
Quizz 5 - Production and Operation Management
QUIZZ - Marketing Vocabulary
Quizz - Distribution & Promotion
Falcon Heavy - vocabulary
Alibaba - vocabulary
Quizz - Accounting
Quizz - Financial Markets
Quizz - Human Resources

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