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czekajmary czekajmary

Uso VocApp da 2802 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 4 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato30 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2018-05-27 21:11:02.

I miei interessi

angielski, inglese

Schede create da me

Countries and Nationalities (kraje i narodowości)
Online shopping - lekcja 5 (25.10.2017)
adjectives - przymiotniki
adjectives - przymiotniki - część 2
travelling with satnav - podróżowanie z GPSem 6.11.2017
The British - video 13.11.2017
winter blues
Start the day - Monday 27 November 2017
Live long - żyj długo Wednesday 29.11.2017
Daily routine - codzienna rutyna 20.11.2017
airplanes - 15.11.2017
food - jedzenie 01.12.2017
talent show - 4.12.2017
sports and making plans 6.12.2017
silence 8.12.2017
noisy neighbours - hałaśliw sąsiedzi 11.12.2017
take the stress out of life 13.12.2017
departments 5.12.2017
4.01.2018 asking for way and giving directions
reflections 12.01.2017
Let's get together - Friends
stay healthy
25.01.2018 email in real life
Hidden Figures - talking about the film 02.02.2018
books and films 9.02.2018
Eco-homes - talking about the future 19.02.2018
7.05.2018 - good with money + spend more
communication 28 may
family - rodzina
jobs - zawody

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