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dsobolewska dsobolewska

Uso VocApp da 3260 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 61 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato28 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2023-03-19 01:50:27.

I miei interessi

angielski, inglese, cinese

Schede create da me

S B2 3/3
S B2 4/1
S B2 4/2
S B2 4/4
S B2 5/1
S B2 1/1
S B2 1/2
S B2 1/3
S B2 1/4
S B2 2/1
S B2 2/2
S B2 2/3
S B2 2/4
S B2 4/3
S B2 5/1
S B2 5/2
S B2 5/3
S B2 5/4
S B3 1/2 The Grand Rose Hotel
S B3 1/3 Complaints
S B3 1/4 In the restaurant
S B3 2/1 Crop circles
S B3 2/4 The science fiction writer
S B3 3/2 A world famous travel writer!
S B3 3/3 A celebrity interview
S B3 5/3 The babysitter

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