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Uso VocApp da 3805 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 1434 giorni, di cui 85 continui. Ho creato31 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2025-03-28 22:47:56.

I miei interessi

inglese, italiano

Schede create da me

1. Enviroment (28-05-2021)
2. What is culture? (26-06-2021)
Customs and traditions
Computer Basic: protect your computer
Master the art of conversation
The woman who rode 500 supercars - Vagaru
five senses
Steps for money management and Financial planning
Google Shopping for Etsy
6 problems with our School System
Personality traits
13 problems only Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
What your favorite colors says about you
Do's and don'ts in Thailand
What is school for? Before you go to school, watch this
Italian - IRE
3- Il Colosseo - Amore e cappuccino
Italian - ARE
Italian - ERE
1 - 1.01.2024 - słownictwo
2 - 04.01.2024 - słownictwo
3 - 11.01.2024 - słownictwo
4 - 18.01.2024 słownictwo
5 - 7.03.2024 - słownictwo
dovere, potere, volere
6 - 11.07.2024 - słownictwo
ARSI - verbi riflessivi
- TTO (passato prossimo)
- RTO (passato prossimo)
- RSO (passato prossimo)

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