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Uso VocApp da 3810 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 141 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato15 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2019-01-05 09:51:19.

I miei interessi

angielski, inglese

Schede create da me

Lesson 1-4 Fryderyk
Lesson 5, Food
Bingo, Unite 1 (słowniczek)
past simple-przykłady Zosia
prezent sample - przykłady Zosia
Lesson 5, Clothing
The Seasons of the year
The Months of the year
The Days of the week
Bingo, Unit 2 (food and drink)
Shapes (kształty)
Unit 1 (In our classroom)
Lesson 2 -zdania (10th october)
UNIT_2_(Halth and fitness)
Unit 3 (Maths problems)

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