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English... BW English... BW

Uso VocApp da 154 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 89 giorni, di cui 22 continui. Ho creato17 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2025-02-02 07:41:33.

I miei interessi


Schede create da me

Unit 33 - Prepositions of time and place
Unit 6 - Present Perfect- already, yet, just
Unit 5 - Present Perfect - ever, never
Unit 4 - Present Perfect
Unit 3 - Comparison- as... as...
Unit 2 - Past Simple vs. Past Continuous
Unit 1 - Review of tense
Strony 'Czynna-Bierna'
Odmiana przez przypadki
25 smart sentences
Use of The
Said and Tell
B1, B2, C1
600 English Words for every day life
use of: be supposed to

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