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krztusicielmonika krztusicielmonika

Uso VocApp da 397 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 4 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato26 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2024-10-10 18:21:37.

I miei interessi

inglese, spagnolo

Schede create da me

ang sports dyscypliny sportowe 7
and 7.2 people
7.3 places
ang 7.4 equipment
ang 7.5 frazy czasownikowe
ang 7.6 rzeczowniki/ frazy rzeczownikowe
ang 7.7 healthy living
ang 7.8 injuries
and 7.9 illnesses
ang 7.10 frazy czasownikowe
ang 7.11 treatments/taste
ang 7.12 preparing dishes
ang 7.13 eating out
Hiszpański 9.1
Hiszpański 9.2
Hiszpański 9.3
Hiszpański 9.4
hiszpanski 9.5
hot/cold/windy weather 8.1
wet weather 8.2
nouns 8.3
nouns2/weather idioms 8.4
weather idioms2 8.5
natural disasters 2.6
natural disasters nouns 2.7
natural disasters verb phrases 2.8

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