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Uso VocApp da 747 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 148 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato22 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2024-12-20 15:06:39.

I miei interessi

inglese, tedesco

Schede create da me

3A Parts of the body
3E Word families
michellle 1
4A Describing house and homes
1. People
4F Alternative living
5A Computing
2. Houses & Homes
5E Adjective + preposition
3. School
7A Talking about the arts
British council 1
7F Graffiti's softer side
8A On the phone
The Passive
Inductory Verbs
Matura 2007 zad 1 i zad 2
9A Travel and transport
B2 Inflation

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