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Uso VocApp da 1475 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 19 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato14 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2021-05-13 22:31:48.

I miei interessi


Schede create da me

TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar Lesson 3 - Past Simple
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar Lesson 1 - Present Simple and Present Continous
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar Lesson 2 - Present Simple and Present Continous
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar Lesson 1 - Indirect Question
TUTLO - English for IT - Lesson 9
TUTLO - English for IT - Lesson 10
TUTLO - English for IT - Lesson 11
TUTLO - English for IT - Lesson 12
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 1 - Past continous
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 3 - Past continous
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 1 - Present Perfect Simple
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 3 - Present Perfect Simple
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 1 - Present Perfect Continuous
TUTLO - Intermediate Grammar lesson 2 - Present Perfect Simple

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