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Mnyrcel Mnyrcel

Uso VocApp da 1575 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 96 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato146 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2024-08-31 16:25:22.

Schede create da me

Monika Sawicka 1 klasa
Zapomniane 3😕😕😱🥶🥶💀
liczby 1-20
unit 8
Kraje podstawy
formy przywitan i pozegnan
pozim 3
egzamin 1 pytanie
egzamin pytanie 2
pytanie 4 egzamin
Ucieczka w dzicz Angielski
pytanie 7
pytanie 6
9 pytanie
Pytanie 9
pytanie 10
pytanie 3
Tytuły Wojowników
Pytanie 5🤯
Lekcja I szkolne przedmioty
Lekcja I Przedmioty szkolne
7 lipca
1 -20 skala trudności🟩
Family and friend 1.1
Family and friends 1.2
Family and friends 1.3
Family and friends 1.4
Family and friends 1.5
Family and friends 1.6
My things 2.1
My thining 2.2
My things 2.3
My things 2.4
My things 2.5
Gett gramar
Get grammar
In the house 3.1
In the huse3.2
In the house 3.3
In the huse 3.4
In the house 3.5
About me4.1
About me 4.2
About me 4.3
Things I can do 5.1
Things I can do
My day 6.1
Things I can do 5.2 częśćII
Things I can do 5.3
Things I can do 5.4
Things I can do 5.5
My day 6.2
My day 6.3
My day 6.4
My day 6.5
Animals 7.2
Animals 7.3
Animals 7.4
Animals 7.5
Animals 7.6
I like that 8.1
I like that8.2
I like that 8.3
I like that 8.5
I like that8.6
Why Why Why
1 zwrotka
Life at home
Life At Home 1.2
Life at Home 1.3
Life at Home 1.4
Life at Home 1.5
Shopping 2.1
Shopping 2.2
Shopping 2.3
Shopping 2.4
Shopping 2.5
Shopping 2.6
Going on Holiday 3.1
Going on Holiday 3.2
Going on Holiday 3.3
Going on Holiday 3.4
Going on Holiday 3.5
Going on Holiday 3.6
Useful things 4.1
Useful things 4.2
Useful Things 4.3
Useful Things 4.4
Useful things 4.5
Useful Things 4.6
Health Matters 5.1
Health Matters 5.2
Helath Matters 5.3
Health Matters 5.4
Health Matters
Health Matters 5.6
Cooking and eating 6.1
Cooking and Eating 6.2
Cooking and Eating 6.3
Cooking and Eating 6.4
Cooking and Eating 6.5
Cooking and Eating 6.6
Where I live 7.1
Where I live 7.2
Where I live 7.3
Where I live 7.4
Where I live 7.5
Where I live 7.6
A happy life 8.1
A happy life 8.2
A happy life 8.3
A happy life 8.4
A happy life 8.5
A happy Life 8.6
Pytanie 1
Pytanie 2
Pytanie 3
Pytanie 4
Pytanie 5
Pytanie 6
Podstawowe Zwroty
Pytanie 7
Moja lekcja
Pytanie 8
pytanie 9
Pytanie 10
Pytanie 11
Pytanie 12
Pytanie 13

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