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lukebuchalski lukebuchalski

Uso VocApp da 2000 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 1 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato53 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2020-01-27 10:40:19.

I miei interessi


Schede create da me

25.10.2019 Motivation
18.10.2019 Friday Morning Psychology
15.10.2019 Errors and Opportunities
22.10.2019 Small Talk
28.10.2019 Going Viral
15.10.2019 Lekcja zapoznawcza
22.10.2019 Small Talk
05.11.2019 Making Plans, Part I
08.11.2019 Making Plans, Part II: Execution
29.10.2019 Compensation and Incentive
29.10.2019 Surveillance
05.11.2019 Personality: The Big Five
04.11.2019 Taking the Reins
11.10.2019 Lekcja zapoznawcza
13.11.2019 Personality and Performance
13.11.2019 Food: Fuel or Pleasure?
12.11.2019 How Plans Fall Apart
15.11.2019 Timing Is Everything
20.11.2019 Warehousing
20.11.2019 Don't Order Me Around!
19.11.2019 Across Cultures
19.11.2019 Let's Reschedule
18.11.2019 When Presentations Go Awry
26.11.2019 What's There to See?
26.11.2019 Risk
03.12.2019 Are You Foolhardy or Risk-Averse?
29.11.2019 Desire Paths
27.11.2019 Souvenirs
27.11.2019 A New Design Is Unveiled
28.11.2019 Personality Traits
10.12.2019 Future Humans
03.12.2019 The Death Star Was an Inside Job
06.12.2019 Old Age
10.12.2019 Fanciful Peril
04.12.2019 Ability
04.12.2019 Persist and Endure
05.12.2019 Waste and Injustice
17.12.2019 Minds, Machines, and... Spices
13.12.2019 If I Were by Myself on a Desert Island
17.12.2019 If You Had to Convince Me You're Irreplaceable
20.12.2019 If I Had Not Been Overburdened
18.12.2019 Protect and Defend
18.12.2019 Driving Home for Christmas
03.01.2020 Naughty and Nice
14.01.2020 Hacking the Body
15.01.2020 You Handle the Groom, I'll Handle the Bride
17.01.2020 Coincidence?
21.01.2020 Just a Tweak
21.01.2020 Stacked up to the Ceiling
22.01.2020 Forget the Prescription, Let's Go for a Pint
23.01.2020 Fact and Fiction
22.01.2020 Surveillance
15.01.2020 Remembering New Year's Eve

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