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zhenA2 zhenA2

Uso VocApp da 2243 giorni. Ho creato36 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2019-02-26 11:54:26.

I miei interessi


Schede create da me

工作及职业 - Work and career
工作及职业 - Work and career
天气,气候和自然灾害 - Weather, climate and natural disasters
天气,气候和自然灾害 - Weather, climate and natural disasters
数量单位 - Units of measure
数量单位 - Units of measure
旅行和旅游业 - Travelling and tourism
旅行和旅游业 - Travelling and tourism
时间,日历及频率 - Time, calendar and frequency
时间,日历及频率 - Time, calendar and frequency
运动 - Sport
运动 - Sport
购物与服务 - Shopping and services
购物与服务 - Shopping and services
学校和教育 - School and education
学校和教育 - School and education
关系和情感 - Relations and emotions
关系和情感 - Relations and emotions
人 - People
人 - People
身体部分 - Parts of the body
身体部分 - Parts of the body
数量;数字 - Numbers
数量;数字 - Numbers
媒体和沟通方式 - Mass media and means of communication
媒体和沟通方式 - Mass media and means of communication
生活 - Life
生活 - Life
法律和犯罪 - Law and crime
法律和犯罪 - Law and crime
风景,植被及生态 - Landscape, plants and ecology
风景,植被及生态 - Landscape, plants and ecology
职务 - Jobs
职务 - Jobs
在城市里 - In the city
在城市里 - In the city
身体 - Health
身体 - Health
厨房,做饭 - Kitchen and cooking
厨房,做饭 - Kitchen and cooking
爱好,社交生活 - Free time, social life and hobbies
爱好,社交生活 - Free time, social life and hobbies
食物和饮料 - Food and drink
食物和饮料 - Food and drink
金融,经济 - Finance and economy
金融,经济 - Finance and economy
家庭,家庭关系 - Family and relations
家庭,家庭关系 - Family and relations
表示意见 - Expressing opinions
表示意见 - Expressing opinions
文化,艺术 - Culture and art
文化,艺术 - Culture and art
国家,政治 - Country and politics
国家,政治 - Country and politics
电脑,网络和技术 - Computers,internet and new technologies
电脑,网络和技术 - Computers,internet and new technologies
颜色和形式 - Colours and shapes
颜色和形式 - Colours and shapes
特点 - Characteristics
特点 - Characteristics
最简单的动词 - Basic verbs
最简单的动词 - Basic verbs
长相 - Appearance
长相 - Appearance
交通 - Transport, motorisation and means of transport
交通 - Transport, motorisation and means of transport
动物 - the animal world
动物 - the animal world
房子, 家具 - House and furnishings
房子, 家具 - House and furnishings
时尚,衣服 - Fashion and clothes
时尚,衣服 - Fashion and clothes

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