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Uso VocApp da 4798 giorni. Ho studiato con VocApp 26 giorni, di cui 0 continui. Ho creato16 lezioni. L'ultima tua visita 2012-05-10 06:40:25.

I miei interessi


Schede create da me

Family and social life part I
Family and social life part II
Family and social life part III
Food part I (fruits, vegetables, meat&seafood, dairy products, drinks)
Shop and Services part I (shops, products, servises, useful phrases)
Shop and Services part II (buyng&selling, nouns/phrases))
Shop and Services part III (complaining, advertising)
Formal letter (vocabulary)
Travelling and Tourism part I (means of transport, travel, air travel)
Travelling and Tourism part II (Train travel, road travel, useful phrases, types of holiday, holiday activites, adjectives)
Travelling and Tourism part III (holiday equipment, holiday accommodation, at a hotel, useful phrases, problems on holiday, tourism, phrasal verbs))
Health part I (healthy living, injuries, illesses)
Health II (symptoms, treatments, the body)
Health III (disabilities, addictions, medical professions, the hospital)
State and Society part I (state&politics, law, crime&punishment)
State and Society part II (useful phrases, idioms, phrasal verbs)

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