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czuć ulgę
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to feel the urge
I feel urge. I feel relieved
It's normal (native speaker's language).
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It's par for the course.
It depends on you.
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It's UP to you.
It's up to you to decide.
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It's overkill!
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Nie oceniaj siebie nisko.
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Don't sell yourself short.
I understand you on this matter.
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I feel you on that.
Poczekaj na swoją kolej.
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Wait on your turn.
Którędy iść?
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Which way to go?
Which way to bathroom?
Mój autobus odjeżdża za 10 minut.
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My bus leaves/is leaving IN 10 minutes.
This is a good attitude.
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That's the spirit.
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This particular thing will always be appropriate or successful.
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You can't go wrong (with)...
You can't go wrong with pizza, it's a crowd pleaser!
to have a conversation
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to talk TO...
nie "with"
za młody na oglądanie telewizji
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too young TO watch TV
nie "for"
być zafascynowanym czymś...
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be fascinated BY something...
nie "with"
Żyje się raz!
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You only live once!
Don't worry about it.
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Don't sweat it.
Chcę mi się spać (na pięć sposobów).
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1. I'm dozing off. 2. I need to crash. 3. My eyes are shutting. 4. My brain is logging off. 5. I need some shut-eye.
to achieve the requiered result, załatwić sprawę.
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do the trick
There is nothing wrong with that.
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There is no shame IN that.
come closer to me.
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get close to me
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to use sth interchengeably
it used when you agree with what someone has said
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same here
Jestem wstawiony.
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I'm tipsy.
coś mówi samo za siebie
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to speak volume
Red roses speak volumes.
pogodzić się z
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to come to terms with
Wypadło mi to z głowy.
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It slipped my mind.
Jaki jest czas na Twoim zegarku?
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What time is it BY your watch?
Czy mógłbyś rozmienić mi pieniądze na drobne?
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Could you please help me break down my 50 dollars INTO SMALL COINS?
to shock someone
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to blow sb's mind
It blew my mind.
zwrócić uwagę na...
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to pay attention to...
Pay attention to the shoes.
To ma całkowicie sens. To do mnie przemawia.
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That makes total sense.
To jest trochę...
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It's kinda...
It's kinda weird.
być na wagę złota
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to be all gold
Those idioms are all gold.
in the past
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in those days
Czy mogę zapytać kim jesteś?
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May I ask who you are?
More polite way to say: "It's not your business".
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That's personal.
More polite way to say: "You are wrong".
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I think you are mistaken.

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