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Pull over!
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I could do with a drink
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dal bych si drink
gym kit
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cvičební úbor
Set up a tent, pitch a tent, put up a tent
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postavit stan
Verge marker
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Elevator dings
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zvonivý zvuk
Thanks for the heads-up
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díky za upozornění předem
Keys are clacking
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klávesy klapou
two-way adaptor, (two-way) splitter
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stretch-out, make tight
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vypnout, napnout
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dobírat si koho
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beauty pageant
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soutěž krásy
Pack of cards (UK), deck of cards (US)
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balíček karet
Excuse me for being late
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omlouvám se, že jsem se opozdil
How far along are you
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v kolikátém měsíci?
I could not help overhearing
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nechtěně jsem zaslechl
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hladit, laskat, mazlit
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aklimatizovat se
Rubbish dump = tip
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Three story drop
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sráz 3 podlaží
live up to your promise
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splnit slib
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křikloun, popichovač (provokující řečníka)
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kvasit, hnisat
I don’t appreciate your tone
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nelíbí se miváš tón
One way or another
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Trust but verify
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důvěřuj ale prověřuj
How are you holding up?
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Jak se držíš?
I am sorry that happened
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je mi líto, že se to stalo
Flash drive
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Innately good
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vrozeně dobří
I have got priority
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mám přednost
Backstage talk
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kuloární řeči
Shelf unit
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Call a spade a spade
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říkat věci, jakjsou
He keeps himself to himself
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nedruží se
He had it coming
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říkal si o to
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výběh (např. medvěda)
I have been meaning to tell you
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chtěl jsem ti to říct
How have you been?
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Jak ses měl?
Crops failure, poor harvest
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Be on welfare
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být na podpoře
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zadusit, uhasit
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doutnat, kypět, být vzrušující
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návnada, vějička
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odhodlání, vytrvalost
Keep it under your hat
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nech si to pro sebe
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cinkot (skleniček)
The door sticks
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dveře drhnou
Hang askew
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šikmo (viset)
To be on the same page
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být na stejné vlně
I can’t make heads or tails of it
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vůbec se v tom nevyznám
I’ll take a rain check
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vynechám to
Comforter = duvet
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