Useful expressions

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That ... fair.
Accepting a compromise
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Introducing a point
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... measuring professional success, I think(...)
Introducing a point
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As regards
... my personal life is ... I try
Introducing a point
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As far as, concerned
Seeing both sides
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On the whole, however
... that lots of people have similar qualifications(...), but, ... not so many people have excellent people skills
Seeing both sides
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It’s true, on the other hand
it’s ... understand what the company expects(...), ... to listen very carefully to the feedback I get(...)
combining reasons
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important not only to, but also
..., working as a team (...) is essential in marketing, ..., real quality is only possible when
Combining reasons
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For one thing, and for another
..., (...)
Adding ideas
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..., they share the success when I achieve an objective
Adding ideas
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What’s more
... people to work together, ... to share values like respect, honesty and hard work
Adding ideas
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I get, and in addition
Have you got a ...?
Checking the other person can speak now?
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couple of minutes
I ... you to ... me(...)
Requesting help
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need, give
Do you ... to know how to(...)?
Requesting help
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I was ... if I could ask you a...
Requesting help
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wondering, favor
Do you think you could ... send me(...)?
Requesting help
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Any ... I could(...)?
Requesting help
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I’d ... you, but(...)
Refusing help
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like to help
I ... I could ... you, but(...)
Refusing help
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wish, help
..., I’d be ... to help, but(...)
Refusing help
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Normally, glad
The ... is (...)
Refusing help
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Anyway, I won’t ... you any longer
Ending the call
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I mustn’t, ... any more of your time
Ending the call
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take up
Anyway, I’d better...
Ending the call
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get on
This graph ... the(...)
Referring to graphs
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..., (...)
Referring to graphics
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As you can see
Just to...
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digress a moment
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By the way
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In other words
What I ... is(...)
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And ..., ... (...)
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basically, that’s why
I must ... that
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Is that ... so far?
Checking understanding
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Does that ...?
Checking understanding
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make sense
I think that...
Ending one point
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That’s all I want...
Ending one point
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to say about
So, now...
Moving on
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let’s turn to
Now, I’d like to...
Moving on
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look at
..., (...)
Moving on
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..., the last three weeks have bean really busy
Setting the scene
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As you know
It ... there was a problem with(...)
Setting the scene
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... to you, everything has gone really smoothly
Giving praise
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I want to say how much I ... your...
Giving praise
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I’m very ... for the ... you have...
Giving praise
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grateful, support, shown me personally
These are ... the company...
Giving praise
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qualities, values highly
Can you tell me ... what ...?
Diagnosing a problem
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exactly, happened
Do you have any ideas ... why(...)?
Diagnosing a problem
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as to
What do you think we can do to ... this doesn’t happen again?
Committing to action
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make sure
So if you need help, you will ... to me, won’t you?
Committing to action
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get back
Let’s just ... what we have...
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summarize, agreed
... in a month’s time to see how you’re...
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Let’s meet again, getting on
..., Rafael, and thank you!
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Well done
That’s a very good...
Useful questions
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I’m ... you ... that point
Useful questions
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glad, raised
I’m afraid I don’t have the ... with me. Can I ... to you on that?
Awkward questions
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figures, get back
So, ... you’re asking(...)
Awkward questions
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in other words
I ..., but I can ... you we’ve done our homework
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understand your position, assure
To be honest, I think that...
Irrelevant questions
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raises a different issue
I’m not sure that’s really ... to the discussion today
Irrelevant questions
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I think I ... that in Part Two, but let me just...
Unnecessary questions
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covered, remember
Well, you may ... in the slide ..., I ... (...)
Unnecessary questions
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recap, growth forecast, mentioned
A question I’m often ... is: „Where do you see the firm in five years?”
No questions
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Could you be ...?
Asking for clarification
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more specific
What I ... is(...)
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So, what you’re ... is(...)
Checking you understand
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Do you ... what I ...?
Checking other people understand
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see, mean
Can we ... what we’ve ...?
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go over, decided
I am ready to(...), on the ... that you
Offering a compromise
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i’m ... to ... you...
Offering a compromise
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prepared, meet, halfway
Shall we ...?
Offering a compromise
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split the difference
I can ... with that
Accepting a compromise
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We are ... (...), ... that(...)
Accepting with conditions
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willing to agree, provided
I’d be ... to(...), unless(...)
Accepting with conditions
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I’m sorry, but I’m not sure that...
Rejecting a compromise
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would work
I think we’ll have to ... on that
Rejecting a compromise
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agree to disagree
I’m ... you put me in a...
Rejecting a compromise
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afraid, difficult position

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