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to keep someone's in suspense.
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to keep someone's on the edge of the seat.
the perfect combination
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the perfect blend
to attract someone's attention
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to catch someone's attention the most.
to get someone's scared
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to freak someone's out
to give someone's goosebumps.
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to send shivers down someone's spine.
to have a short moment of relax
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to get breather
don't be too surprised
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Not surprised at all.
O czym to jest?
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What is it about?
Wiedziałem,że o to zapytasz!
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I knew you WOULD ask for that!
to keep updated
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to keep updated
to be KEEP UP with all kinds of stuff.
to have common idea or agreement.
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to find common ground.
an ideal or most favourable location.
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sweet spot
That's the sweet spot.
Czy widzisz się w... czymś np. w czytaniu książek
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Do YOU FIND YOURSELF reading books?
mind fog
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to discuss something (talking about different ideas).
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to brainstorm together
How about we brainstorm together?
Zaproponował mi podwiezienie do domu.
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He offered me a LIFT HOME.
Czy mógłbyś zająć mi miejsce? (zaraz wracam).
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Could you HOLD MY SPOT?
to reveal interesting gossips
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to spill the tea/ to spill the bean
to keep calm
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to cool down
Continue the conversation
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Let's keep the conversation going.
zrobić sobie przerwę.
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to TAKE a break.
to prepare for the birth of child
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to make the preparations for the arrival of your child.
I'm responsible for...
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I'm in charge of...
opiekować się np. noworodkiem.
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take care of, carry for a newborn.
to feel bad not to do sth.
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to regret THAT...
czekam na ponowną rozmowę z Tobą (phrasal verb)
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I LOOK FORWARD to talk to you again!
Jak potoczyły się sprawy?
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How did things TURN OUT?
Sing with me.
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Sing ALONG to me.
to take a look at the english vocabulary.
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to GET A GLIMPSE OF new vocabulary
praktykować robienie czegoś
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practice DOING something
I practice drinking green tea.
That's great approach.
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That's a great attitude.
Odnajduję się w różnych aktywnościach.
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I find myself in various activities.
z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
Not on the other side
odporność, wytrzymałość.
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To recover quickly to difficulties means to have resilience
Być miłym dla innych ludzi.
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Be kind TO other people.
Not "for"
Przenieść rozmowę na jutro.
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Postpone the conversation until tomorrow.
Sweet drems!
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Sleep tight!
Pamiętaj o mnie.
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Remember me.
Do you remember me? My family remembers me. Bez "about".
to have a chat
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to have a small talk.
Do not rush.
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Take your time.
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What do you want to drink aside the tea?
during the day
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Zawsze miałam problem z nawodnieniem.
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It has ALWAYS been my problem to stay hydrated enough.
ustawiać przypomnienie o piciu wody
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set a reminder to drink water
I'm glad the suggestion was helpful.
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I'm glad you found the suggestion helpful.
w porównaniu do...
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compared to...
Zrozumiałem to! Złapałem w czym rzecz?
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I got it!
Jestem tu po to,żeby Cię wysłuchać.
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I'm here to listen.
nadrobić zaległości
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to catch up
Trzymaj tak dalej z pracą.
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Keep up the great work!

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