Used to - Be used to - Get used to

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used to
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I used to eat a lot of chocolate.
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Yo solía comer un montón de chocolate.
They used to swim on weekends.
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Ellos solían nadar los fines de semana.
She used to play the piano.
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Ella solía tocar el piano.
We used to watch movies every day.
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Solíamos ver películas todos los días.
Did you use to play to basketball?
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¿Solías jugar al baloncesto?
I used to drink soda in every lunch.
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Yo solía beber un refresco en cada almuerzo.
She used to play football with my friends.
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Ella solía jugar al futbol con mis amigos.
be used to
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estar acostumbrado a
We are used to studying in the mornings.
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Estamos acostumbrados a estudiar por las mañanas.
I am not used to eating greasy meat.
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No estoy acostumbrado a comer carne grasienta.
We are used to working on weekends.
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Estamos acostumbrados a trabajar los fines de semana.
Are you used to cleaning your new flat?
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¿Te has acostumbrado a limpiar tu nuevo piso?
Is she used to driving in Madrid?
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¿Se ha acostumbrado a conducir en Madrid?
I am used to driving on the right.
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Estoy acostumbrado a conducir a la derecha.
I wasn't used to eating pasta.
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No estaba acostumbrado a comer pasta.
Our grandparents were not used to using mobile phones.
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Nuestros abuelos no se acostumbraron a usar los teléfonos móviles.
get used to
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aconstumbrarse a
I haven't got used to noise.
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No me he acostumbrado al ruido.
They get used to cold weather.
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Ellos se han acostumbrado al frío.
He hasn't got used to speaking English.
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Él no se ha acostumbrado a hablar en inglés.
She will get used to working here.
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Ella se acostumbrará a trabajar aquí.
Thet haven't got used to running on weekends.
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Ellos no se han acostumbrado a correr los fines de semana.
My girldfriend get used to her new computer.
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Mi novia se ha acostumbrado a su nuevo ordenador.
Have you got used to look after your nephew?
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¿Te has acostumbrado a cuidar de tu sobrino?
I am getting used to living in Scotland.
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Me estoy acostumbrando a vivir en Escocia.
She is getting used to eating polish food.
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Ella se está acostumbrando a comer comida polaca.
I can't get used to being without you.
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No puedo acostumbrarme a estar sin tí.

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