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Domanda Risposta
work in progress
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Praca w toku
an amateur
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properties of materials
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właściwości materiałów
features, qualities, characteristics
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a pain in the back
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ból w plecach, upierdliwość
art for art's sake
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sztuka dla sztuki
the reason to change the system
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powód zmiany systemu
the reason for changing the system
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powód zmiany systemu
to generate documents
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generować dokumenty
the documentation is generated by...
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dokumentacja jest generowana przez...
the documents are generated by...
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dokumenty są generowane przez...
the author abandoned it like an unwanted child
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autor porzucił go jak niechciane dziecko
You bastard!
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Ty draniu!
an illegitimate child
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nieślubne dziecko
to resurrect
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a claim
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Let's not jinx it.
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Żeby tylko nie zapeszyć.

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