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Domanda English Risposta English
at home
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If a team plays at home, they play in their own stadium
qualify for sth
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be good enough to enter a competition
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In a knockout competition, the winner at each stage continues in the competition, but the loser is no longer in it
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A person or team who comes second in a competition
the rest of sth
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the remaining people or things the others
eliminate sb from sth
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If a team is eliminated from a competition, it has been beaten and can no longer take part in it
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an act of deciding sth by pulling names out of a bag
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A stage in a sports competition
get through
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reach the next stage in a competition
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not belonging to either of the teams who are playing
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A place where an organized event happens
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success in a game or war
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the way in which sb is performing
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A set of teams who play each other over a season to find the best team
A (good/bad) run
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A period of performing well or badly
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not having lost
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the action of moving a team up to a higher league
let sb down
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fail to give sb the help and support they need
under pressure
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in a stressful situation, often because sb is forcing you to do sth in a certain way
go to pieces
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become very nervous or upset and unable to perform
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play better than sb and be in control of the game
on the verge of sth
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near to the moment of doing or achieving sth
give sth away
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lose a game, point, or competition through a bad mistake
impulse (to do sth)
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A sudden desire to do sth without thinking about the results
in search of sth
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looking for sth
price tag
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A label on sth which shows how much you must pay
shop till you drop
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spend a long time shopping because you don't want to stop
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casually look at things in a shop, or look through the pages of a book
after sth
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looking for and trying to obtain sth
the minute
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as soon as
be off
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go; leave
have an eye for sth
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have a natural ability to see or find sth
shop around
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go to different shops until you find what you want
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having a very clear aim; knowing what you want to do
be distracted by sth
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be looking at or thinking about sth so that you are unable to pay attention to other things
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hobby, pastime
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A short period of time doing one activity, often in am uncontrolled way
bargain hunting
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looking for sth at a good price and cheaper than usual
head for/towards
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go in the direction of
indulge in sth
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do sth you like, especially sth that is bad for you
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A small tool or piece of equipment that does sth useful
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sb who enjoys shopping and spends a lot of time doing it
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A compulsive person finds it difficult to control their actions
addicted to sth
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unable to stop doing sth which is usually harmful
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very serious
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spend time with other people in a friendly way

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