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Tam są przymierzalnie.
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The fitting rooms are over there.
Wszytko razem kosztuje 24 funty.
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That'll be twenty-four pounds all together.
Oto reszta/paragon.
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Here's your change/receipt.
Czy zapakować na prezent?
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Would you like me to gift-wrap it for you?
Aby zwrócić produkt, należy zachować paragon.
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You have to keep the receipt to bring the product back.
Tylko się rozglądam.
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I'm just looking.
Mogę większy rozmiar?
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Can I have a bigger size?
Chyba tego nie wezmę.
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I think I will leave it.
Poproszę o dwa takie.
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I'd like two of these.
Czy mogę prosić o torebkę?
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Could you put it in a bag for me?
Chciałbym to zwrócić/wymienić.
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I'd like to return/exchange this.

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