Unit 9

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according to research
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as shown by a study
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so enjoyable that you do not want to stop
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a chemical produced by your body when you are afraid, angry or excited, which makes your heart beat faster
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determined to be successful, rich, powerful
base a decision on (sth)
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when you base a decision on something it means that you use a particular ideal when making the decision
be at the centre of (sth)
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if a person or thing is at the centre of something that is happening, they are involved in it more than other people or things
be obsessed with style and image
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to think about fashion all the time so that you cannot think about anything else
be torn between two choices
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to have difficulties choosing between two things
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used to warn someone to be careful because something is dangerous
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a pattern or design that is busy is too full of small details – used to show disapproval
carry out research
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to conduct a study
carry weight
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if something carries weight, it is important and influences people
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not formal or not for a formal situation
challenge a decision
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to refuse to accept that a decision is right, fair or legal
change your mind
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to change your decision, plan or opinion about something
come to a decision
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to make a decision after long thinking
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the people who live in the same area, town, etc.
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not shy or nervous in social situations
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spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret
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to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or a decision
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careful thought and attention, especially before making an official or important decision
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to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something
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a meeting with a professional person, especially a doctor, for advice or treatment
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decribing things that have been used for a long time and are considered the usual type
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to persuade someone to do something
encourage (sb) to speak their mind
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to persuade someone to tell others exactly what they think, even if it offends them
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to judge how good, useful or successful something is
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a judgment about how good, useful or successful something is
experiment with new looks
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to test a look that is different from the one before
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using new ideas or methods
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not working properly, or not made correctly
feel under pressure to wear (sth)
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to be influenced by others to wear something
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to remove unwanted substances from water, air, etc. by passing it through a special substance or piece of equipment
follow the crowd
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to do the same thing that most other people are doing, without really thinking about it for yourself – used to show disapproval
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a foolish action is stupid and shows that someone is not thinking sensibly
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a formal event is important, and people who go to it wear special clothes and behave very politely
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someone who establishes a business
get crammed
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to be in a room or a space that is full of people
have a crazy dress sense
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to dress in an extraordinary way
have a Plan A and a Plan B
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to have a plan and a back up plan for the future
have an issue with (sth)
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to have a problem with accepting something
have second thoughts
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to start having doubts about a decision you have made
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not easy to notice or realise
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feeling unhappy because you are a long way from your home
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confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way, without needing help or advice from other people
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having a lot of influence and therefore changing the way people think and behave
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an intelligent person has a high level of mental ability and is good at understanding ideas and thinking clearly
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to have something in your mind as a plan
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desire to do something
involve (sb) in a decision
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to include someone in the process of making decisions
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to decide on the result of a competition
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an opinion formed
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criticising people very quickly
know your own mind
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to be confident and have firm ideas about what you want and like
look really cool
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to look attractive or interesting
make a decision
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to decide
make up your mind
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to decide which of two or more choices you want, especially after thinking for a long time
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often changing quickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad temper
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tidy and carefully arranged
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thinking or worrying about something all the time, so that you cannot think about anything else
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thinking or worrying about something all the time, so that you do not think about other things enough
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able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties, people’s annoying behaviour, etc. without becoming angry
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decorated with a pattern
pick up bargains
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to buy something cheaply or for less than its usual price
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without anything added or without decoration
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not moving, but ready to move or do something at any moment
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a plan which is made formally to an official person or group
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to suggest something as a plan
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something that is suggested or considered as a possible thing to do
put an outfit together
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to combine clothes and accessories in a fashionable way
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without much activity or without many people; to have a quiet night means an evening when you stay at home and relax
research reveals (sth)
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if a research reveals something it means that its results show something
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dirty and untidy
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to choose something by thinking carefully about which is the best, most suitable, etc.
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a group of things that someone has chosen
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not considering the possible effects in the future of something that seems good now – used to show disapproval
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to not read something that would normally come or happen next
sleep on it
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to not make a decision about something important until the next day
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smart clothes are clean, tidy and attractive
speak out about (sth)
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to publicly speak in protest about something, especially when protesting could be dangerous
split second
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an extremely short period of time
stand out in a crowd
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to be very easy to notice
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a long period of time in which you try to deal with a difficult problem
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attractive in fashionable way
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thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest
throw on clothes
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to put on clothes very quickly, without thinking about it
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influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas
wear a particular brand or label
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to wear clothes from one chosen company
weigh up the pros and cons
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to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of something

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