unit 7

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in a difficult situation
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in a quandary
to agree with someone or have the same opinion as them
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concur with
to begin something
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embark upon
something that is --- makes you feel annoyed, worried or frustrated
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to read short parts of a book, magazine etc, but not the whole thing
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dip into
to read something, especially in a careful way
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to read all of something, even though it is boring and takes a long time
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plough through
to read or look at something very carefully for a long time
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pore over
to read a lot about something because you will need to know about it
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read up on
to examine someone or something very carefully
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to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it
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if a book, play etc is ---, it is boring and difficult to understand
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in a way that involves doing a lot of practical things
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actively involved
without any awareness or understanding of something
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completely oblivious
having strong disagreement about something
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deeply divided
argued about strongly
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hotly debated
extremely obvious
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patently obvious
definitely made to happen
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strictly enforced
to keep changing your mind or what you are doing
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chop and change
something that may be different in different situations, so that you cannot be sure what will happen
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of or connected with the sense of touch, designed to be perceived by touch
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look quickly through a book, magazine, etc
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to flick through
reach a state of little or no change after a period of activity or progress
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to plateau
the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties
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