unit 7

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grated cheese
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queso rallado
i’ll put some grated (ˈɡreɪtɪd) cheese on the pizza
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splash somebody/something: Stop splashing me!
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The children jumped into the pool and splashed around joyfully
take issue with
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to disagree with sth strongly
in the best interests of
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en el mejor interés de
I always act in the best interests of the comoany
rarity /ˈreəriti/
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rareza /ˈreəriti/
to be behind the times
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estar atrasado en los tiempos
the children considered dad to be behind the times"
cassette tape, av recorder audio
tertiary /ter: chari/ education
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educación terciaria /terchari/ University education (higher education)
I am a tertiary education student
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to be cluster with
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estar agrupado con
crowded, gruped
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live up to somebody's expectations
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estar a la altura de las expectativas de alguien
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full of romantic love for somebody
bottle sth up
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to not allow other people to see that you are unhappy, angry, etc., especially when this happens over a long period of time
Try not to bottle up your emotions.
snap sth up / snap up sth
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to buy or obtain something quickly because it is cheap or you want it very much because its good
Danna has just snapped up the new 15 iphone pro max.

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